Tuesday, November 30, 2010

(Monica Scholz tackles Whitney at Badwater)
Monica Scholz has yet to meet a 100-miler she doesn't like. Last weekend she finished her 25th 100-miler in a single year, breaking her previous world record of 23 set in 2001. Amazingly, she is posting some damn good finish times with each of them too! The Spec has a great article about her last race.

My first thought was "can you even schedule 25 100-milers in a single year"? Turns out you can...here was her original schedule, courtesy of Vince. Look at all those hot ones in July, or the 5 back-to-back in October. She is super woman!!!

Race # Date Race Name Place
1 January 16 HURT Honolulu, Hawaii
2 February 6 Rocky Racoon Huntsville,Texas
3 February 13 Iron Horse Florahome, Florida
4 February 27 LOST Florida
5 March 5 Coyote Two Moon Ojai, California
6 March 27 Paulinskill Sussex 100 Knowlton, New Jersey
7 April 10 McNaughton Pekin, Illinois
8 April 24 Jerseyville 100 Jerseyville, Ontario
9 May 1 Iron Horse St. Paul, Alberta
10 May 8 McNaughton Pittsfield, Vermont
11 May 15 Keys 100 Key West, Florida
12 May 29 Sulphur Springs Dundas, Ontario
13 June 5 Old Dominion Fort Valley, Virginia
14 June 12 San Diego San Diego, California
15 June 19 Mohican Trail Loudonville, Ohio
16 June 26 Laramie Laramie, Wyoming
17 July 12 Badwater Death Valley, California
18 July 17 Vermont South Woodstock, Vermont
19 July 24 Swan Crest Swan Lake, Montana
20 July 31 Burning River Willoughby Hills, Ohio
21 August 7 Viaduct Trail Lanesboro, Pennsylvania
22 August 21 Leadville Leadville, Colorado
23 August 28 Angeles Crest Wrightwood, California
24 September 4 Grand Teton Alta, Wyoming
25 September 11 Haliburton Haliburton, Ontario
26 September 18 Virgil Crest Virgil, New York
27 September 25 PCT 100 OR Bear To be determined
28 October 2 Arkansas Traveller Ouachita, Arkansas
29 October 9 Oil Creek Oil City, Pensylvannia
30 October 16 Boulder OR Ozark To be determined
31 October 23 Syllamo Blanchard Springs, Arkansas
32 October 30 Javalina Jundred Fountain Hills, Arizona
33 November 6 Pinhoti OR Mother Road To be determined
34 December 11 Ancient Oaks Titusville, Florida

That makes 111 lifetime 100's for Ms. Scholz...congrats, Monica!!!

- SD

Obyek Tempat Wisata Di Kalimantan Tengah - Obyek wisata Kalteng yangt menarik untuk liburan seperti Bukit Batu, Pulau Kaja, Danau Tahai, Pantai Batanjung adalah hanya beberapa tempat wisata yang cukup populer di propinsi Kalimantan Tengah.

Pariwisata propinsi Kalteng memiliki aset wisata yang tidak kalah dengan provinsi lainnya yang ada di Indonesia. Wisata alam Kalimantan Tengah merupakan salah satu wisata andalan di provinsi Kalteng ini. Beberapa wisata alam yang sangat menarik untuk wisatawan adalah wisata hutan berupa cagar alam seperti Bukit Raya dan kelompok Hutan Monumental yang lokasinya ada di Kotawaringin Timur. Di sini juga terdapat air terjun Malau Besar dan Pauras yang lokasinya terdapat di Barito Utara.

Wisata Pulau Kaja
Salah satu tempat wisata menarik di Kalteng ini berada di kelurahan Sei Gohong Kecamatan Bukit Batu. Lokasinya sekitar 40 Km dari Palangka Raya, Kalteng. Keistimewaan dari Pulau Kaja karena pulau ini dibatasi oleh 2 sungai yang bernama Sungai Rungan di sebelah Timur serta Terusan Kaja di bagian Barat. Pada bagian atas Pulau Kaja terdapat danau di bagian tengahnya serta dikelilingi oleh dataran tinggi.

Wisata Danau Tahai
Lokasinya berada di desa Tahai, Kelurahan Tumbang Tahai, Kecamatan Bukit Batu. Jaraknya kurang lebih 29 Km dari Ibukota Palangka Raya. Akses menuju Danau Tahai sangat mudah sekali karena bisa menggunakan kendaraan roda 2 atau 4 dan hanya memakan waktu sekitar ± 30 Menit.

Wisatawan yang datang ke sini bisa bermain sepeda air angsa, perahu dayung atau bermotor dengan membayar sewa. Di sini juga terdapat tempat karaoke, rumah makan terapung. Di sini juga di sediakan fasilitas penginapan yang bagus dengan sewa tarif relatif murah.

Poultry and Kids..........

Just had to do it-

Rainy and nasty here this morning. Still pretty warm though and that's a plus for this time of year.
The weather was so nice yesterday I was really tempted to take, TheBigBluePlasticMotorcycle out for a ride but my better judgment decided against it.
Probably should have. It's unlikely that we're gonna see anymore 65 degree days till Spring. Oh well.

Gratuitous Picture for a Tuesday Morning-

Obyek Tempat Wisata Di Kalimantan Barat - Tugu Khatulistiwa, Hutan Wisata Baning, Cagara Alam Kepulauan Karimata hanya contoh dari obyek wisata yang ada di Kalimantan Barat.

Provinsi Kalimantan Barat memiliki wisata yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan agar lebih maju lagi. Di Propinsi Kalbar banyak terdapat potensi wisata yang beraneka ragam. Hampir sama dengan wisata provinsi lain Kalimantan Barat juga memiliki tempat liburan andalan yang berupa wisata alam, agrowisata serta wisata budaya.

Wisata alam yang paling di minati oleh turis antara lain panorama pemandangan alam pegunungan, wisata pantai laut, wisata danau, wisata hutan tropis yang memiliki kekayaan aneka ragam flora serta fauna, kemudian ada juga wisata air terjun yang sangat indah di Pande Kembayung dan Riam Kanebak, dan masih banyak lagi obyek wisata yang menarik untuk di kunjungi wisatawan lokal atau mencanegara.

Wisata budaya Kalimantan Barat pun sangat menarik. Di prov Kalbar banyak terdapat aneka ragam seni budaya yang sangat unik sehingga untuk wisatawan luar bisa menambah wawasan tentang budaya Kalimantan Barat.

Tugu Katulistiwa
Obyek wisata ini menjadi ikon dari wisata kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. LOkasinya terdapat di Jalan Khatulistiwa, Pontianak Utara, Propinsi Kalimantan Barat. Jaraknyapun hanya kurang lebih 3 km dari Ibukota Pontianak.

Kota Singkawang.
Kota/kabupaten ini sangat menarik untuk daerah tujuan wisata di Kalimantan Barat. Banyak terdapat obyek wisata yang sangat menarik untuk liburan. Di Kota Singkawang terdapat pantai yang sering di kunjungi masyarakat untuk liburan. Pantai tersebut bernama Pantai Pasir Panjang. Pantai ini sangat terkenal sebagai tempat rekreasi, Untuk mendukung sektor pariwisata, disini telah tersedia banyak hotel, terdapat cottage, toko-toko, diskotik serta beragam fasilitas lainnya untuk wisatawan.

Lokasi Pantai Pasir Panjang terdapat di Kecamatan Tujuhbelas. Dengan jarak sekitar 17 km kota Singkawang. Jalan untuk menuju ke pantai ini juga sangat bagus dan telah beraspal sehingga dapat di lalui oleh kendaraan roda empat. Wisatawan juga bisa menggunakan sarana transportasi umum dari dan ke Pasir Panjang, seperti taksi, atau minibus.

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Now Here's Something I may Just Invest in.......

Every year we can a lot of what comes out of the garden and go through a lot of canning jar lids doing it. This is a product that just makes a lot of sense.

Reusable Canning Jar Lids
Yeah, they are a bit pricey, but they would probably pay for themselves in short order.

I first heard mention of these in a Jackie Clay article early this year and sort of forgot about them, till I stumbled across this excellent Road Test of them at Rural Revolution from July of this year.
Hey, there's even pictures!
Seriously though, this seems like something you may want to look into if you do a lot of canning.

I'd like to buy several dozen to test drive and see for myself but the author at Rural Revolution seems like see has her ducks in a row and probably has more experience than we do so I'll probably order some when I get $$$$ I don't need to spend on something else.

Till then, these will go on the ever growing list of, "Stuff it would make sense to buy when we get the money."

Yes, I really do have a list that is titled exactly that.

Gratuitous Picture for a Monday Night-
This is my, "Not really my Grand Kid but it seems like it", with one of the friendlier Silky Hens.
Cute little shit, isn't she?

Cool Train Video.................
Saw this at Theo Spark

This kind of stuff geeks me out. I don't know squat about this particular train or even when this was filmed, but I do love trains and I guess that's good enough.

Here's a couple of more interesting links from Theo -

Looking for a boat? Aircraft carrier HMS Invincible is put up for sale

Just in case there was any doubt left about the UN and Global Warming -
The IPCC mask slips

"First, the admission that the mission isn’t climate, but global wealth redistribution (emphasis mine):

First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole."

Suck it, Al Gore.

Gratuitous Picture for a Monday Evening-

Monday Morning and All is Well............
It's OK here anyway.

There's been a dramatic improvement in how my surgically repaired foot is doing over the last few days. Really surprising and I'm grateful for it.
I'm going back to work at the end of the week and that will jump start the economic situation here back on track. Still gonna be on crutches for another 2 weeks but the Boss says I can run the Triage desk at least. I've been hobbling around using just one crutch some and as long as I don't over do it and put too much weight on that foot for too long a time there's been no problem.

This has really helped with the - "Coffee Cup" problem. Carrying a cup of coffee is just about impossible when you're using crutches and that has been one of my biggest complaints.

So I'm pretty encouraged this morning as I can really see things getting back to normal soon.

So let's have some upbeat pop music from a band that did pop music as well as anybody. The Hollies-

Alright then. That seems like a good way to start the day!

Gratuitous Picture for a Monday Morning-

Daftar tempat wisata Kalimantan Timur serta obyek wisata Kalimantan Timur yang menarik untuk tujuan perjalanan liburan dan wisata. Kaltim memiliki banyak keanekaragaman tempat wisata seperti wisata budaya, alam, sejarah, pantai dll.

Kaltim sebuah provinsi yang ada di Pulau Kalimantan memiliki potensi wisata untuk wisatawan yang suka jalan-jalan. Banyak potensi wisata Kalimantan Timur yang menarik untuk tujuan liburan keluarga. Di Kalsel banyak terdapat obyek wisata unggulan karena terus dikembangkan dan akan ditingkatkan yang tujuannya untuk menarik wisatawan baik lokal maupun mancanegara.

Beberapa daerah menarik untuk liburan seperti Berau, Tarakan, Kutainegara memiliki potensi yang cukup besar di bidang pariwisata. Jenis wisata Kaltim yang patut di ketahui dan menarik wisatawan untuk datang ke sana seperti Wisata Alam, wisata budaya, wisata buatan, peninggalan sejarah, museum, seni, taman nasional hingga taman wisata laut.

Wisata alam Kalimantan Timur
Bukit Bangkirai merupakan wisata petualangan alam yang menarik untuk wisatawan kunjungi. Lokasinya berada di area hutan primer Bukit Bangkirai. Atau lebih tepatnya ada diperbatasan Kota Balikpapan dan Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Yang menarik adalah tempat ini sering di pakai untuk kepentingan riset dan observasi alam. Di sini terdapat berbagai fasilitas untuk wisata seperti fasilitas akomodasi berupa cottage. Wisatawan bisa menyewa di sini.

Wisata Bahari Pantai Laut Kalimantan Timur.
Wisatawan yang suka keindahan laut bisa datang ke Kabupaten Berau. Kabupaten ini memiliki potensi wisata bahari seperti yang ada di wilayah Pulau Derawan dan Pulau Sangalaki. Kedua pulau ini memiliki taman lautnya yang sangat indah. Tidak hanya itu, wisatawan juga bisa berkunjung ke pulau-pulau lainnya yang terdapat di wilayah Kabupaten Berau seperti Pulau Menumbar, Pulau Semana, Pulau Bakungan, Pulau Inaka dan beberapa pulau lainnya .

Yang membanggakan adalah bahwa Kepulauan Derawan mempunyai potensi laut yang sangat kaya. Menurut para ahli keindahan taman laut Pulau Derawan menduduki posisi ke tiga di dunia. Di sini tersedia fasilitas untuk wisatawan seperti cottages , restoran, speed boat serta perlengkapan selam lainnya. Kawasan wisata Pulau Derawan kini dikelola oleh PT. Bhumi Manimbora Interbuana sejak 1993.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The word "Solidarity" carried so much magic because it expressed a quality Poles dreamed of: sticking together, supporting each other, not allowing Poland's enemies to drive Poles apart. Adam Michnik, Jewish, Lech Walesa, Catholic, intellectuals and workers, students and clerics, united in that magical time.

Otherwise, Poles are notorious, among Poles, for their lack of solidarity with each other.

I was told this joke in Poland, by a Pole, in Polish:

Tourists are in hell. Their guide explains that there is a devil in each cauldron full of sinners, percolating over flames, in order to keep sinners down near the hottest part of the pot.

"But there are no devils in some of these cauldrons," the tourists note.

"Those cauldrons are full of Poles," the tour guide explains. "They keep each other down."

The NYT reports that Poles in Poland are turning on each other. Excerpts:

“We have a beautiful face in tough times and during difficult moments, but in normal times, we are lost,” said Jan Oldakowski, an opposition member of the Parliament who was one of several members of the opposition Law and Justice Party to recently quit the party to form a more centrist coalition. “With freedom, Poles do not know how to cooperate with each other.” The political leadership is at war with itself. Personal attacks and insults are flying. Politicians have traded accusations of drug abuse, mental illness, collaborating with the Nazis and being agents of Moscow. They have said of one another that they would be better off dead.

“Poles always feel they need to have an enemy,” Urszula Slawinska, 38, said one day as she walked along a sidewalk in Warsaw, an average citizen, headed home, uninvolved in politics, yet keenly aware of what was happening around her. “Because of our history we define ourselves, to be Polish meant to protect our country. So now that we don’t have to protect ourselves, we still need to find an enemy.” ... “I am very pessimistic,” said the Rev. Maciej Zieba, a popular priest here. “It is a providential moment for Poland. The political life is awful. For me as a Catholic priest, it is not good, either.”

The former polish president, Aleksander Kwasniewski, who served for 10 years, said the best way to describe Poland today was with a short story: “A group of children say to a rabbi, ‘Please tell us in a few words what the situation is,’ ” and the rabbi answers, ‘Good.’ “The children say, ‘Perhaps you can use a few more words, and the rabbi responds, ‘Not good.’” The former president laughed, but then said that the story was not funny.

Full text of NYT article, Poland, Lacking External Enemies, Turns on Itself by Michael Slackman.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

This is the San Francisco Bauer's "Wi-Drive" commuter shuttle bus service. It's the same one used by Facebook and Twitter employees to go to and from work. What this blogger likes about the shuttle bus service is the seats. Wow. They're really thick, cushy, leathery, and luxurious.

You can operate your laptop computer and work online while on your way to work. The Bauer's "Wi-Drive" bus was used by the San Francisco Giants to transport their players to and from that awesome parade after their amazing World Series win.

Need corporate transportation? Call my good friend Gary Bauer. He and Bauer's Transportation delivers for all occasions and transport needs. Bauer's Transportation is at 1-800-546-6688.

Film Indonesia Dengan Pemain Bintang Film Porno Asing. Hobby nonton film baca info film ini. Tema film indonesia kedatangan tamu pemain yang sudah terkenal hot dalam kehidupannya.

Dunia perfilman Indonesia kembali kembali bangkit. Hampir setiap tahun selalu ada karya film terbaru dan bisa di tonton di bioskop indonesia. Namun ada kabar menarik karean beberapa bintang film porno asing turut berperan di dalamnya. Walaupun banyak pro dan kontra tentu saja! Mau tahu film apa saja itu?

Film Menculik Miyabi – Di bintangi Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi
Film Hantu Tanah Kusir – Di bintangi Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi
Film Rintihan Kuntilanak Perawan – Di bintangi Tera Patrick
Film Suster Keramas – Di bintangi Rin Sakuragi
Film Rayuan Arwah Penasaran – Di bintangi Leah Yuzuki

Sumber : sumber: http://www.blogotainmen.com/5-film-indonesia-dengan-pemain-bintang-film-porno-asing/

Film Indonesia Terbaru Bulan Ini Daftar Film Bioskop Favorit Untuk Di Tonton. Judul Film Indonesia apa yang menarik untuk di saksikan di bioskop di Kota Anda.

Buat penggemar Film Indonesia yang ingin tahu film terbaru Indonesia untuk di tonton ini ada daftar info fim terbaru. Hobby menonton film harus tahu informasi daftar info film terbaru yang akan tayang di bioskop. Film Setan Facebook Video Triler Bioskop 2010. Info film Indonesia terbaru bertema horor misteri yang di produksi oleh D’color Entertainment. Berjudul "Film Setan Facebook" mulai tayang dibioskop pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2010. Pemeran film tersebut diantaranya adalah beberapa artis pendatang baru Cindy Anggrina, Boy Hamzah, Jehaan Sienna, Maeeva Amin, Waqid, serta Ricky Ertan.

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Terdapat sinopsis Ringkasan Film Indonesia Terbaru. Afa juga info film barat terbaru

Film Indonesia Terbaru
cari Info seputar film Indonesia yang terkini terbaru yang akan ditayangkan pada bulan oktober november 2010 2011. Semoga info seputar film Indonesia terbaru ini bermanfaat bagi ...

Daftar tempat wisata Kalimantan Selatan. Obyek wisata Kalimantan Selatan yang paling menarik untuk tujuan liburan keluarga. Berlibur ke tempat wisata di provinsi Kalsel untuk acara liburan boleh jadi sangat menarik untuk ide liburan keluarga Anda.

Mungkin belum banyak yang tahu kalau provinsi Kalimantan Selatan juga memiliki pariwisata yang sangat menarik untuk di kunjungi. Sebenarnya banyak sekali Obyek Wisata untuk liburan wisatawan. Jika pemerintah setempat terus berupaya mempromosikan dunia pariwisata Kalsel bukan tidak mungkin provinsi Kalsel juga bisa bersaing dengan pariwisata lain di provinsi Indonesia. Kalimantan Selatan memiliki banyak keunikan dan tempat wisata menarik seperti wisata sungai Kalimantan selatan, adat masyarakat Dayak yang menarik, keindahan dari pemandangan pantai, wisata gunung, wisata air terjun, hingga obyek wisata religius.

Kalsel memiliki banyak potensi wisata yang belum dikenal sperti lembah kahung, bambu rafting dan lain-lain, bahkan pernah di adakannya Festival Budaya Pasar Terapung Tahun pada tahun 2009 merupakan bukti kalau dunia pariwisata sangat menarik untuk di ketahui.

Banyak obyek wisata Kalimantan Selatan yang memiliki daya tarik untuk wisatawan lokal atau mancanegara. Kalsel memiliki potensi sebanyak 272 buah tempat menarik untuk tujuan liburan. Dari jumlah tersebut yang sudah dikenal dan banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan hanya sebagian kecil saja di antaranya adalah wisata pasar terapung di muara sungai barito, Kota Banjarmasin. Beberapa daftar wisata sungai di Kalsel adalah wisata sungai Martapura yang terdiri atas Makam Raja Sultan Suriansyah, kemudian ada Mesjid Sultan Suriansyah, lalu ada Pasar Terapung Lok Baintan Sungai Martapura, di Kabupaten Banjar, wisata Pendulangan Intan Cempaka serta wisata Pasar Permata yang berada di Martapura Kabupaten Banjar.

Daftar obyek wisata serta tempat wisata liburan lain yang menarik untuk wisatawan adalah sebagai berikut :

Wisata Pasar Terapung Muara Kuin
Wisata Museum Lambung Mangkurat
Wisata Museum Wasaka
Wisata Pulau Kembang
Wisata Pulau Kaget
Wisata Pulau Datu
Wisata Masjid Sultan Suriansyah
Wisata Komplek Makam Sultan Suriansyah
Wisata Komplek Makam Pangeran Antasari
Wisata Pantai Takisung
Wisata Pantai Batakan
Wisata Taman Nasional Pegunungan Meratus

Saturday Afternoon with Tom..........
Tom Waits that is.

Here's one you probably recognize, but may not know that he wrote-

He does a nice cover of this old classic-

I'm sure none of us have ever been here-

Gratuitous Picture for a Saturday-
Yeah, the wife left me in charge of the baby while she went to town.

Having trouble finding the perfect gift for a trail running friend? Here are a few of my favorites that can help get you started - if you know of others, be sure to add them in the comments!

2011 Tribute to the Trails Running Calendar ($23)

Uber-photographer and trail runner Glenn Tachiyama has once again assembled a gorgeous calendar of great photos to raise money for the Washington Trails Association. The beautiful full-page shots (check them all out here) compliment a complete calendar of ultrarunning events. Few things can spice up the drab cubicle life like a constant reminder of epic trail runs hanging on the wall. You can pick one up at ZombieRunner, Rogue Valley Runners, or other stores for $23.

Cryosauna ($85,000)

For the runner who has everything, the Cryosauna is the latest must-have gadget. Jump in and hit the start button, and your entire body is surrounded by air frozen to -120 degrees C for 2-3 minutes for an instant ice bath. Get it in black to match your Alter-G Anti-Gravity Treadmill! Available at...well, if you can afford it, you probably know.

Race Gift Certificate ($25-55)
I don't know about you, but few things get me as excited to hit the trails like a race scheduled in the near future. Get a friend a gift certificate to a race organizer like Pacific Coast Trail Runs, and you are giving the gift of adventure! If your friend is always super busy, couple the gift certificate with an offer to crew/watch the kids/have a celebratory picnic, and it's like giving a box of sunshine. Added benefit - you can buy and send via e-mail in minutes!

Trail Running Coffee Table Book ($15)

If your trail runner is going to open a gift in front of a big group of people, a nice coffee table book is something that can be passed around to get a lot of gasps and admiration. I'm a big fan of Extreme Running by Kym McConnell and Dave Horsely, available at ZombieRunner for $15.

Custom Trail Running Shirt/Tie/Mug/Whatever ($10-40)

Zazzle.com is a custom-making miracle site that can put just about any picture or phrase on a shirt, mug, hat, tie, etc., and ship it to you in days. Create a one-of-a-kind gift for your trail runner! You could also go for a license plate frame.

Framed Photo ($15-50)

Did your trail runner have an epic race experience? Go find the photo service that was at the race, and get them a nice framed photo. I know we all rarely buy these things for ourselves, but honestly, how many good photos of yourself running do you have? Unless you are married to a photographer like me, it's hard to get a good shot that can be blown up into a decent photo. Time to splurge!

ZombieRunner Gift Certificate ($10-100)

I can ALWAYS find something I didn't know I needed until I saw it at ZombieRunner. Definitely will prompt a smile. Also an easy gift to buy and send instantly.

Jackhawk 9000 Knife ($100)

What better gift to give a loved one than the Jackhawk 9000? Available at Wal-mart. (Thank you, Ricky Bobby!)

Fire on the Track DVD ($15)

This is the best Steve Prefontaine documentary out there, with plenty of interviews with those who were there. For those looking at hours of indoor training through the winter, Pre can help keep them company. Available at Amazon.com.

Personal Running Tour (Free!)

My pal Gary Gellins recently took me on a long run tour of the Foothills Park in Palo Alto, CA, a place I had barely set foot in. It was such a treat to have a guided tour! Set the date, make a plan, bring some snacks, create a hand-written card that sums it all up...voila, an instant free gift.

Friday, November 26, 2010

(I know I posted this once already, but am doing once again to get the Google indexing right - gotta put that name in the Title!)

Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone! I hope you are having a great holiday. I put links in this story to everyone else's blogs in case you would like to stop by and tell them congrats!

Best, SD

USATF Mountain Ultra Trail Council Announces Runners of the Year

Indianapolis, IN ---- The Mountain/Ultra/Trail running (MUT) council of long distance running has named the 2010 USATF Mountain Runners of the year, Ultra Runners of the Year, Trail Championship Series winners, and Contributor of the Year. The following individuals will be recognized at the USATF National Convention in Virginia Beach, VA, on Saturday, December 4, at an awards breakfast.

Mountain men open: Joseph Gray, 26, Lakewood, WA, wins his third consecutive USATF Mountain Runner of the Year title. Gray was the top U.S. finisher (10th overall) at this year’s World Mountain Running Championships to lead the men to their best-ever finish with a team silver medal. He earned his spot on the 2010 U.S. Mountain Running Team (his third U.S. mountain team) by placing third at the USA Mountain Running Championships held at the Mount Washington Road Race in June. Gray also won the NACAC Mountain Running Championships hosted by Canada in July and placed second at the 2009 XTERRA World Championships (December).

Mountain men master: Tim Van Orden
, 42, Bennington, VT, had a stellar year in 2010 including masters top honors at the USA 10km Trail Championships, the USA 15km Trail Championships, and the Mt. Ashland Hill Climb where he also set the masters’ record. He finished fifth in his age group at the U.S. Mountain Running Championships. In the USATF New England Mountain running series, he finished ninth overall at the Ascutney Mountain Challenge, tenth overall at the Wachusett Mtn. Race, and sixth overall at the Northfield Mountain/NE Trail Running Championships. In addition, Van Orden was the top masters snowshoe racer in New England, taking overall places of three firsts, six seconds, two thirds and three fourths (masters’ champion in all but one).

Mountain women open: Kristin Price
, 28, Raleigh, NC, is a first-time recipient in this category. Price won the USA Mountain Running Championships to earn a spot on her first U.S. Mountain Running Team, and was the top finisher (12th overall) for the U.S. women at the World Mountain Running Championships leading the team to its fourth-place finish. Team USA was the first team to finish all four women at the World Championships.

Mountain women master: Nicole Hunt, 40, Deer Lodge, MT, had an outstanding year as a masters’ competitor. Hunt is no stranger to mountain running awards having been named the 2006 USATF Mountain Runner of the Year. In 2010, Hunt finished fourth overall – third American – winning the masters’ title in a masters’ course record performance. She was the third U.S. woman finisher (17th overall) at the World Mountain Running Championships. She finished fourth, first master, at the USA 15km Trail Championships.

Ultra men open: Michael Wardian
, 36, Arlington, VA, wins his third consecutive Ted Corbitt Memorial USATF Ultra Runner of the Year Award in 2010. Wardian was the USA 50km Champion, and won bronze at both the 50km World Championships and the IAU 100km World Championships. He finished third – the best finish ever by a U.S. man – at the Marathon Des Sables in Morocco, and finished as the top U.S. runner at Comrades Marathon (89km). He finished second at The North Face Endurance Challenge in Washington, DC, just one week after Comrades. He posted six marathon victories in 2010 including ING Miami, National Marathon, Delaware Marathon (Delaware State Record & Course Record in 2:26:22), Grant & Pierce Indoor Marathon (setting indoor marathon World Record of 2:27:21), Kauai Marathon, and ING Hartford Marathon. He was also 15th overall at the USATF Men's Marathon Championships posting a time of 2:21:18.
Ultra men master: Scott Dunlap
, Woodside, CA, 41, is a first-time recipient of this award. He was the top master and 11th overall at the USATF 50km Trail Championships, third master at the USATF 50km Road Championships, third master at the USATF 100 Mile Trail Championships, and third master at the USATF Trail Marathon Championships in 2009. He also won the 40-44 age group at the XTERRA World Championships in 2009 and was first overall at the Woodside Trail Marathon (3:36, CR). He won the 40-49 age group at the Tahoe Rim Trail 50km (5th overall, the RRCA Nevada Championship). Dunlap promotes USATF and its championship races on his award-winning blog, A Trail Runner’s Blog at this link. (http://runtrails.blogspot.com)
Ultra women open:  Kami Semick,
44, Bend, OR, is now a two-time recipient of the Ruth Anderson USATF Ultra Runner of the Year award having won this title last year. She posted an outstanding year on the road and trails. Her wins included the USA 50km Trail Championships, the Miwok 100km Trail Race, the Vermont 100 Miler, and the Portland Marathon. In 2009 (November), she won the IAU 50km World Trophy in Gibraltar. She was fourth overall and top American at Comrades Marathon (89km). Semick is an active member of USATF’s Mountain Ultra Trail Running Council.

Ultra women master: Meghan Arbogast, 49, Corvallis, OR, a first-time recipient of this award, was the winner of the 2010 U.S. 100km Championships, the USA 50 Mile Trail Championships, Where’s Waldo 100km and the Ice Age 50 Mile Trail Race.  She finished second overall at both the 2010 Western States 100 Mile Trail Race and at the 2009 JFK 50 Miler (November) where she was also the top masters’ finisher. She was the fifth masters’ finisher at the Twin Cities Marathon – the U.S. National Masters Championships – finishing 16th overall.

USA Trail Championships Series Winners – Mario Mendoza, 24, Cambria, CA, and Gina Lucrezi, 27, Newton, MA. Mendoza and Lucrezi garnered the most points in the inaugural USA Trail Championships (sub-ultra) series. The events included the 10km, 15km, half marathon, and marathon event distances. In 2011, the USATF Mountain Ultra Trail Running Council hopes to further promote and enhance the championship trail series.

Contributor of the Year – Mount Washington Road Race Directors Bob and Anita Teschek. In 2010, the Tescheks recruited the deepest field in the 50-year history of the Mount Washington Road Race (June 19).  This was done by actively recruiting top runners and offering inducements such as travel money, lodging, and doubling the prize purse.  The race served as not only the USA Mountain Running Championships, but also as the lone qualifier for both the men’s and women’s mountain running teams.  This was the first time a race had been granted this distinction, which can be traced to the efforts of the Tescheks to get the top runners to the starting line.  They have served the mountain running community for many years, hosting the USA Mountain Running Championships and team selection races in the even-numbered years starting in 2004. They have also made contributions to the U.S. Mountain Running Team. Bob Teschek has been the race director at Mount Washington for over 25 years with this year’s race being his last as race director.

Others nominated in the Contributor of the Year category for 2010 included Salomon footwear; Julie Fingar, owner of Fit to Run, Inc., and race director for The Sierra Nevada Endurance Runs, Way Too Cool 50km, and the American River 50 Mile Endurance Run; and Race Directors Jason and Allison Bryant (The Continental Divide 10km Trail Race)

In order to be considered for the USATF Mountain and Ultra running awards an athlete must show top results in U.S. competitions for 2010 November 1, 2009 through October 31, 2010, to include mountain races (these may be on paved/gravel surfaces as long as there is significant elevation loss or gain) and trail races of varying lengths, as well as road races for the ultra category (distances beyond the marathon). International results are also considered. The nominee must be an ambassador for the sport. Nominee must be a USATF member for 2010, and to be considered for the masters’ category athlete must be a minimum of 40 years of age.

For a list of past winners in the other categories, please visit www.usatf.org. You can view this release at the following link. (http://www.examiner.com/trail-running-in-national/usatf-mountain-ultra-trail-council-announces-runners-of-the-year)

Does It Really Matter???????????
Apparently not-

Manassas was a great band and really, what can ya say about, Stephen Stills? Great Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist, not necessarily in that order either. You pick.

Here's Stills singing another of my favorites. The video is perfect for this song.

The temperature is currently 35 degrees. Big drop in the last 24 hours and I'm just hanging out by the Woodstove with the dogs today.
All the waterers for the Chickens and Ducks were frozen up solid this morning and that means we'll be carrying water out to them twice a day for the next 4 months or so.
Just part of having animals.

Gratuitous Picture for a Friday Afternoon-

Rahasia Pria Yang Harus Di Ketahui Wanita. Setiap perempuan harus mengetahui bahwa pria / lelaki memiliki banyak rahasia. Ketahui rahasia tersembunyi yang ada pada diri seorang lelaki.

Tidak hanya wanita, pria juga terkadang menyembunyikan sesuatu di balik dirinya. Dengan mengetahui type-type pria di harapkan setiap wanita bisa mengenal tentang karakter seorang pria. Berikut ini ada beberapa Rahasia lelaki Yang Harus Di Ketahui Wanita. Mungkin rahasia masing-masing pria tidak sama karena setiap pribadi dari seorang pria tentu tidak sama.

Tahukah Anda bahwa Pria paling tidak suka jika kesenangannya di ganggu. Misalnya saja banyak pria yang suka nonton bola, atau lagi sibuk mengerjakan hobbynya lalu Anda mengajak ngobrol.

Tahukah Anda kalau Pria paling benci di atur. Apalagi dengan Anda yang baru jadian. Memangnya Anak Mami! apa2 selalu di atur.

Tahukah Anda kalau Pria juga tidak senang dengan seorang wanita yang kalau pergi jalan-jalan seperti toko perhiasan. Memakai perhiasan memang bisa menambah plus penampilan, tapi kalau semua koleksi perhiasan yang di miliki wanita di pakai semua? Apa jadinya?

Tahukah Anda kalau Pria juga tidak suka jika wanita selalu banyak ngomong alias cerewet apalagi marah-marah!

Tahukah Anda bahwa Pria ternyata juga tidak suka ketika seorang wanita memakai high heels plus rok pendek, sementara kakinya masih kelihatan banyak bulunya.

Tahukah Anda ternyata Pria paling nggak suka dengan bau badan yang menyengat dari tubuh wanita. Jadi sering-sering pakai pewangi badan agar pria tambah lengket dan ingin selalu dekat karena mencium aroma wangi dari parfum Anda.

Tahukah Anda kalau Pria paling tidak suka dan benci kalau mendengar harapan dari seorang wanita yang ingin mendapatkan Pria tidak botak.

Tahukah Anda kalau kebanyakan Pria paling benci ketika di katakan sebagai lelaki yang tidak romantis.

Black Friday...............

I guess we're supposed to go spend all of our money on shit no one needs today. Or at least that's how it seems.
Not happening here. Can't imagine even leaving the house today and merging with the Zombie hordes out there.

Like most things, I'm ass backwards on topics like this. The wife and I have been going through the house over the last few days looking at crap to get rid of. I damn sure don't need any more shit I don't use around here.

When did the whole, "Black Friday" thing get so big anyway?
Not that I pay attention to crap like this, but I don't remember when this becoming a big deal. Maybe its always been like this & I just missed it.

I understand that kind of, Black Friday.

Edit Update - OK. This shit I REALLY don't understand-

One more example of why a 1918 Flu Epidemic would probably be beneficial for the gene pool.
H/T - Ace of Spades

Gratuitous Picture for a Friday-
I'm already thinking about next years Garden

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Daftar tempat belanja murah di Jakarta. Salah satu kekayaan pariwisata di Jakarta adalah tempat belanja. Kota Jakarta memberikan banyak pilihan tempat untuk untuk berbelanja. Jakarta adalah surga belanja untuk wisatawan yang hobby shopping.

Mungkin tidak salah kalau Jakarta mendapat julukan Surga Tempat Belanja
Di Jakarta terdapat beberapa pusat tempat perbelanjaan sehingga menarik untuk tujuan perjalanan liburan wisatawan. Ada banyak pilihan tempat belanja yang bisa di tuju, mau berbelanja di tempat yang bersih sambil cuci mata datng saj ke Mall atau Plaza. Mau belanja sambil berdesak-desakan juga ada, datang saja Mangga Dua atau Tanah Abang.

Tempat-tempat berbelanja di Jakarta seperti Blok M Plaza, Mal Kelapa Gading, WTC Mangga Dua, Plaza Indonesia, Plaza Senayan, Sogo, Pasaraya Grande, Mal Pondok Indah, Mal Taman Anggrek
dan Mal Artha Gading boleh di katakan surga untuk banyak wisatawan yang ingin berbelanja di Jakarta. Jika Anda ingin mencari harga yang murah di Jakarta juga terdapat juga pusat belanja yang menawarkan harga yang relatif murah seperti Pasar Tanah Abang, Pasar Senen, Pasar Cipulir, serta Pasar Pagi Mangga Dua.

Pasar Baru / Batavia Passer Baroe
Untuk warga Jakarta Pasar baru tentu sudah tidak asing. Kawasan ini merupakan lokasi bisnis. Dan sekarang ini area pasar baru sudah identik dengan penjualan produk sepatu dan produk tekstil. Pasar Baru sekarang ini sudah dikenal sebagai sebagai tempat wisata khususnya wisata belanja di Jakarta.

Sepanjang Jalan Surabaya
Anda yang suka berburu barang antik Anda bisa datang di sini. Lokasinya terdapat di kecamatan Gondangdia – Menteng, Jakarta Pusat. Tempat ini terkenal sebagai pusat penjualan barang barang antik. Wisatawan bisa membeli aneka macam barang dari kerajinan, mau cari patung Asmat, tenun Ulos, Mandau hingga produk yang terbuat dari bahan kuningan serta perungu seperti lampu antik kompas, vas bunga dan lain – lain bisa di beli disini.

Mau Cari Komputer Murah Datang saja Di Dusit Orion Mangga Dua
Lokasi ada pusat perbelanjaan di Utara Jakarta. Tempat ini merupakan pusat penjualan komputer serta alat – alat produk elektronika.

Mau Beli Ponsel Datang Saja Di ITC Roxy Mas
Tempat ini sudah di kenal sebagai pusat belanja untuk produk handphone. Ada banyak kios yang menjual ponsel di sini. Dan konon ITC Roxy Mas merupakan pusat pedagangan telepon selular (ponsel) terbesar di Indonesia bahkan di Asia Tenggara.

Berbelanja Di Pasar Tradisional
Anda yang suka atau cari barang tertentu ada beberapa pasar yang spesifik/khusus seperti pasar burung yang ada di jalan Pramuka dan Barito, lalu pasar bunga di Rawabelong, pasar batu akik di Rawa Bening.

Daftar tempat belanja murah Singapura. Tak lengkap rasanya setelah lelah mengelilingi obyek wisata Singapore, tak berkunjung juga ke Wisata belanja di Singapura. Boleh dikatakan Singapura merupakan surga tempat untuk shopping di kawasan Asean.

Bahkan ada wisatawan yang berkunjung ke negara Singapura hanya untuk berbelanja. Singapura merupakan salah satu negara Asia Tenggara yang mampu menarik wisatawan dunia. Kalau di banding Indonesia, luas Singapura tak seberapa. Tapi mengapa Singapura memiliki daya tarik yang luar biasa untuk wisatawan? Mungkin salah satunya adalah tempat untuk shooping. Ada beberapa tempat populer untuk belanja di Singapura san selalu di kunjungi wisatawan luar negeri.

Lucky Plaza (Orchad Road)
Tempat ini hampir mirip seperti ITC yang ada di Mangga dua. Aneka produk fashion bisa di beli di sini. Dari mulai pakaian, parfum hingga pernak pernik untuk keperluan fashion bisa di beli di sini.

Kinokuniya (Orchad Road)
Tempat penjualan buku yang populer di Singapura. Jika Anda ingin cari buku, tempat ini pas untuk belanja Anda. Koleksi lengkap dan harganya murah.

Bandara Changi
Anda suka miniatur parfum? Tempat ini untuk belanja miniatur parfume. Aneka parfum bisa Anda beli di sini.

Diskon gila-gilaan tiap 2 hari sekali dari disdus.com - Salah satu metode untuk bisa bersaing dalam memasarkan produk adalah dengan memberikan diskon super gila. Memberi diskon gila-gilaan kepada pembeli merupakan salah satu trik untuk menarik konsumen agar mau membeli sebuah produk.

Lalu di manakah seorang pembeli bisa memperoleh diskon besar? Nah itu pertanyaanya. Kebanyakan penjual akan memberikan diskon khusus kepada pembeli yang mau menjadi langganannya. Tapi tak jarang juga penjual mempromosikan produk barunya, lantas karena produk tersebut kemungkinan belum banyak di kenal banyak konsumen, maka penjual akan melakukan promo dengan memberikan diskon potongan harga. Bahkan untuk even tertentu diskon yang di berikan sangat besar. 

Diskon gila-gilaan tiap 2 hari sekali dari disdus.com merupakan strategi penjualan online yang memberikan diskon supergila tiap 2 hari sekali. Promo diskon tersebut tentu saja akan menarik minat pembeli untuk berbondong-bondong mendatangi tempat dimana diskon gila-gilaan tersebut di adakan. Bulan promo adalah di mana pada waktu/bulan tertentu ada program diskon potongan harga untuk produk tertentu. Biasanya lamanya waktu bulan diskon ini beberapa hari selama 1 bulan. Namun ada juga yang memberikan potongan harga dalam hitungan hari tertentu, misalnya saja tiap 2 hari sekali mendapatkan diskon gila-gilaan.

YerUnk Wishes a Happy Thanksgiving..............

To All 'a Y'all!
Give thanks for all the good things we have today and pray for a future we can be thankful for.

I already mentioned a few of the things I'm thankful for a couple days ago. Lord knows there's plenty more than that too.

Being off work for the last 5 weeks has put a serious dent in the income and cash flow around here. But having a well stocked up Pantry has helped a bunch. Not having to spend a ton on groceries has been a blessing since the income has been cut in half.
Having again seen the benefit of being prepped for such an occasion, I would encourage all of ya, if you don't already, to start working on building up that pantry.

Maybe make it your, New Years Resolution or something.

You may be wondering just how to go about doing that and I'll refer you to Jackie Clay who's the expert on this sort of thing. Go read that article linked there and look around the Backwoods Home Website - especially the archives. There's a ton of good info, on a multitude of subjects there.

I want y'all to think about this, OK? Food prices have been rising fast and I don't see where that's gonna get any better anytime soon.
I had to put gasoline in the little blue truck the other day. First time in almost 2 months and got one hell of a shock. Gas cost .50 cents a gallon more than when I last filled up. I don't expect that to change to much to the better either and that's another good reason to build up that pantry if you're spending significantly more for energy/fuel that leaves less for food.

Unlike the Government, we just can't print money and spend what we don't have every month. And, even if I wanted to, I don't personally know any Chinese Bankers that want to loan me, basic budget money every month.

I woke up with this topic eating on my brain this morning. That doesn't normally happen so I figured I better go ahead and share it with ya.

If you have questions on this topic feel free to ask in the comments or via email (bsa71lightning-at-hotmail.com) & I'll be glad to help.

OK. Now that I got that out of the way.................

It is Thanksgiving and that means, Alice's Restaurant!

Yeah, it's a tradition here.

All the kids will be here this afternoon for dinner and we will listen to Arlo singing. Like every Thanksgiving. I'm thankful I have a great family that want to come hang out with, The Old Man.

Here's something cool. Or warm. Whatever.
It was spitting snow yesterday morning & It's currently 55 degrees outside.

The furnace has not run for well over 24 hours and I last loaded the woodstove around midnight last night.
Check this out-

That's incredible. I should'a figured out a way to get a woodstove a long time ago.
It's been quite a few years since we had a good stove & I forgot how nice it is.

If I had better insulation in the attic it would be even better. It's pretty lame up there and could use some more.

Just one more thing to add to the, "Shit I need to do when I get the money" List.

It's all good.
Like my friend, Jerry says - "Life is good. All ya got to do is live it."
Can't argue with that theory.

Again, I hope y'all have a nice day today.

Gratuitous Picture for a Thursday-
Phil Read Hauling Ass. Yeah, he was a badass.

Photo via - Motorcycle Picture of the Day

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hey, check out who won the USATF Masters Men Ultrarunner of the Year. I think I know that guy!

Honestly, it just feels so cool to be mentioned in the same press release with the likes of Michael Wardian, Kami Semick, Meghan Arboghast, Joe Gray, Tim Van Orden, and all these amazing trail runners. Look at the seasons they had! Remarkable. I think I've officially peaked. ;-)

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, and take a moment to give thanks for this wonderful sport we are a part of. I will certainly have a toast for my fellow runners tomorrow, particularly those of who encouraged me through an amazing year. I am forever grateful to each of you.

Best, SD

USATF Mountain Ultra Trail Council Announces Runners of the Year

Indianapolis, IN ---- The Mountain/Ultra/Trail running (MUT) council of long distance running has named the 2010 USATF Mountain Runners of the year, Ultra Runners of the Year, Trail Championship Series winners, and Contributor of the Year. The following individuals will be recognized at the USATF National Convention in Virginia Beach, VA, on Saturday, December 4, at an awards breakfast.

Mountain men open: Joseph Gray, 26, Lakewood, WA, wins his third consecutive USATF Mountain Runner of the Year title. Gray was the top U.S. finisher (10th overall) at this year’s World Mountain Running Championships to lead the men to their best-ever finish with a team silver medal. He earned his spot on the 2010 U.S. Mountain Running Team (his third U.S. mountain team) by placing third at the USA Mountain Running Championships held at the Mount Washington Road Race in June. Gray also won the NACAC Mountain Running Championships hosted by Canada in July and placed second at the 2009 XTERRA World Championships (December).

Mountain men master: Tim Van Orden
, 42, Bennington, VT, had a stellar year in 2010 including masters top honors at the USA 10km Trail Championships, the USA 15km Trail Championships, and the Mt. Ashland Hill Climb where he also set the masters’ record. He finished fifth in his age group at the U.S. Mountain Running Championships. In the USATF New England Mountain running series, he finished ninth overall at the Ascutney Mountain Challenge, tenth overall at the Wachusett Mtn. Race, and sixth overall at the Northfield Mountain/NE Trail Running Championships. In addition, Van Orden was the top masters snowshoe racer in New England, taking overall places of three firsts, six seconds, two thirds and three fourths (masters’ champion in all but one).

Mountain women open: Kristin Price
, 28, Raleigh, NC, is a first-time recipient in this category. Price won the USA Mountain Running Championships to earn a spot on her first U.S. Mountain Running Team, and was the top finisher (12th overall) for the U.S. women at the World Mountain Running Championships leading the team to its fourth-place finish. Team USA was the first team to finish all four women at the World Championships.

Mountain women master: Nicole Hunt, 40, Deer Lodge, MT, had an outstanding year as a masters’ competitor. Hunt is no stranger to mountain running awards having been named the 2006 USATF Mountain Runner of the Year. In 2010, Hunt finished fourth overall – third American – winning the masters’ title in a masters’ course record performance. She was the third U.S. woman finisher (17th overall) at the World Mountain Running Championships. She finished fourth, first master, at the USA 15km Trail Championships.

Ultra men open: Michael Wardian
, 36, Arlington, VA, wins his third consecutive Ted Corbitt Memorial USATF Ultra Runner of the Year Award in 2010. Wardian was the USA 50km Champion, and won bronze at both the 50km World Championships and the IAU 100km World Championships. He finished third – the best finish ever by a U.S. man – at the Marathon Des Sables in Morocco, and finished as the top U.S. runner at Comrades Marathon (89km). He finished second at The North Face Endurance Challenge in Washington, DC, just one week after Comrades. He posted six marathon victories in 2010 including ING Miami, National Marathon, Delaware Marathon (Delaware State Record & Course Record in 2:26:22), Grant & Pierce Indoor Marathon (setting indoor marathon World Record of 2:27:21), Kauai Marathon, and ING Hartford Marathon. He was also 15th overall at the USATF Men's Marathon Championships posting a time of 2:21:18.
Ultra men master: Scott Dunlap
, Woodside, CA, 41, is a first-time recipient of this award. He was the top master and 11th overall at the USATF 50km Trail Championships, third master at the USATF 50km Road Championships, third master at the USATF 100 Mile Trail Championships, and third master at the USATF Trail Marathon Championships in 2009. He also won the 40-44 age group at the XTERRA World Championships in 2009 and was first overall at the Woodside Trail Marathon (3:36, CR). He won the 40-49 age group at the Tahoe Rim Trail 50km (5th overall, the RRCA Nevada Championship). Dunlap promotes USATF and its championship races on his award-winning blog, A Trail Runner’s Blog at this link. (http://runtrails.blogspot.com)
Ultra women open:  Kami Semick,
44, Bend, OR, is now a two-time recipient of the Ruth Anderson USATF Ultra Runner of the Year award having won this title last year. She posted an outstanding year on the road and trails. Her wins included the USA 50km Trail Championships, the Miwok 100km Trail Race, the Vermont 100 Miler, and the Portland Marathon. In 2009 (November), she won the IAU 50km World Trophy in Gibraltar. She was fourth overall and top American at Comrades Marathon (89km). Semick is an active member of USATF’s Mountain Ultra Trail Running Council.

Ultra women master: Meghan Arbogast, 49, Corvallis, OR, a first-time recipient of this award, was the winner of the 2010 U.S. 100km Championships, the USA 50 Mile Trail Championships, Where’s Waldo 100km and the Ice Age 50 Mile Trail Race.  She finished second overall at both the 2010 Western States 100 Mile Trail Race and at the 2009 JFK 50 Miler (November) where she was also the top masters’ finisher. She was the fifth masters’ finisher at the Twin Cities Marathon – the U.S. National Masters Championships – finishing 16th overall.

USA Trail Championships Series Winners – Mario Mendoza, 24, Cambria, CA, and Gina Lucrezi, 27, Newton, MA. Mendoza and Lucrezi garnered the most points in the inaugural USA Trail Championships (sub-ultra) series. The events included the 10km, 15km, half marathon, and marathon event distances. In 2011, the USATF Mountain Ultra Trail Running Council hopes to further promote and enhance the championship trail series.

Contributor of the Year – Mount Washington Road Race Directors Bob and Anita Teschek. In 2010, the Tescheks recruited the deepest field in the 50-year history of the Mount Washington Road Race (June 19).  This was done by actively recruiting top runners and offering inducements such as travel money, lodging, and doubling the prize purse.  The race served as not only the USA Mountain Running Championships, but also as the lone qualifier for both the men’s and women’s mountain running teams.  This was the first time a race had been granted this distinction, which can be traced to the efforts of the Tescheks to get the top runners to the starting line.  They have served the mountain running community for many years, hosting the USA Mountain Running Championships and team selection races in the even-numbered years starting in 2004. They have also made contributions to the U.S. Mountain Running Team. Bob Teschek has been the race director at Mount Washington for over 25 years with this year’s race being his last as race director.

Others nominated in the Contributor of the Year category for 2010 included Salomon footwear; Julie Fingar, owner of Fit to Run, Inc., and race director for The Sierra Nevada Endurance Runs, Way Too Cool 50km, and the American River 50 Mile Endurance Run; and Race Directors Jason and Allison Bryant (The Continental Divide 10km Trail Race)

In order to be considered for the USATF Mountain and Ultra running awards an athlete must show top results in U.S. competitions for 2010 November 1, 2009 through October 31, 2010, to include mountain races (these may be on paved/gravel surfaces as long as there is significant elevation loss or gain) and trail races of varying lengths, as well as road races for the ultra category (distances beyond the marathon). International results are also considered. The nominee must be an ambassador for the sport. Nominee must be a USATF member for 2010, and to be considered for the masters’ category athlete must be a minimum of 40 years of age.

For a list of past winners in the other categories, please visit www.usatf.org. You can view this release at the following link. (http://www.examiner.com/trail-running-in-national/usatf-mountain-ultra-trail-council-announces-runners-of-the-year)

Who Needs Laws???????????

When we can regulate the Hell out of ya.

Hinkle: Homeowners Now Must Pay EPA's Hidden Tax

"In April, the EPA issued its edicts governing home renovation, repair, and painting (RRP). If reasonable regulations are a children's sandbox, the EPA's rules are the Gobi Desert.

First, companies that do home renovation and repairs have to receive EPA certification, and use certified renovators "trained by EPA-approved training providers" if they're working on any space larger than 6 square feet. So if you're getting more than one window replaced, the guy has to be EPA-certified. An eight-hour course costs $200 to $300, not counting the time and income lost. If he works without the government permission slip, he could face fines of $32,500 per violation, plus possible jail time."

OK, that shit is just depressing. We are gonna need a shitload of rope to correct this sort of thing.
H/T - Doug Ross

Need some music here today -

Maybe a couple more.

And one more for the Gipper.

Gratuitous Picture for a Wednesday Afternoon-


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