They Lied. Brrrrrr............
Took off for a ride on the Concours about 11 am. It was about 42 degrees,Sunny and getting warmer. Not bad. Rode into town and topped off the gas tank and did some Christmas shopping. Bought the boy some tools, so he'll leave mine alone. Maybe.
Got that out of the way and headed South for a ride. Saw two young guys on sportbikes and we all waved enthusiastically to each other. I think it was to reassure ourselves that there are other folks out there who will ride when the weather isn't the best also.
Rode to a little restaurant about 20 miles Southeast of here. I took the scenic route and made it about a 40 mile ride. Other than my hands getting cold, it was all right.
Let me tell you about this place. It's out in the middle of nowhere. Well, it is a town of sorts. There's about 15 - 20 houses scattered about an intersection of 2 county roads at a 4 way stop. There's a Barber shop (open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only) a small post office, 3 empty buildings and a restaurant.
The building that houses the restaurant is really old and shows it. Both inside and out. The food is good basic stuff and cheap. Plus you get a lot of it.
That's the good part. The bad part is that the place looks like it may fall in on you at any minute and ........... to put it nicely, it's a dump. My wife refuses to go near the place. Understand, Queen Buffness is not picky, nor does she suffer from an overinflated sense of self. She just has standards a bit higher than mine.
It's been awhile since I'd been there and I'd forgotten about the decor. 70's Goodwill rejects. Interesting does not really describe it. I was afraid the wiring, which is exposed for easy inspection throughout the place, was gonna combust at any minute. I figure if that happened, the insurance company would be out at least $300 bucks for all the furnishings and equipment in the place. Yeah, it's a little rough. Maybe I'm being a little harsh. The Elvis stuff is probably worth a couple of hundred bucks.
I ate anyway. After all, I got used to Army chow, not a hell of a lot scares me anymore. Cheeseburger, fries and coffee. $3.38 plus $1.00 for the waitress with the speech impediment. Yeah, the staff and clientele seem to fit the overall look of the place.
I know what you're thinking and maybe I don't look to out of place there.
The Sun disappeared and the temp began to drop while I was eating. It was 37 degrees when I got back home. I still enjoyed the ride. It's supposed to be mid to high 40's tomorrow. We'll see. I'll probably ride if it's anything close to that. Probably pick a different place to eat though.