New Years Resolutions ??????????
I generally gave up on them years ago. But this year? I've decided that I'm gonna start getting more involved with supporting our troops.
Yep, The Good Queen Buffness and I are going to start a monthly donation to Soldiers Angels
I know that our little bit ain't gonna be much, but if lot's of folks dropped a few dimes into the kitty it can make a difference. Seems like the least we could do.
IN RELATED NEWS: I was just over at KAT'S PLACE and She's got a drive going to collect cards for Valentines Day for the troops. Go check it out HERE. Do it now. She's really out in front on doing good things for the Troops. I'll try to get her on the links list here later today.
I'd like to encourage you, if you're not already, to start the New Year off with a Resolution to show some support for our Troops. Just take a few minutes and check out the Service Support Organizations over on the links section. That's an easy way to get started.
Thanks Y'all, Unk.