More on the ACLU Child Porn Case the Media Has Decided You're Not Interested IN .......
Last Week I posted a link to story out of Virginia about the former ACLU Chapter Prez who was busted on Child Porn Charges.
Have you heard anything about this? Nope. Not a damn thing. My guess is, you're not going to either.
Well, it appears that it's not just "Child Porn" either - Ace of Spades reported yesterday (via link to Riehl World View) that - "It's Worse Than You Thought."
"What's worse than videos of the rape/torture of children?
How about videos of the rape/torture of infants and toddlers? ".
Ace, correctly notes, that the MSM had no problem running wall to wall, non-stop coverage of Ted Haggard and Mark Foley. Both cases of non-criminal (but disgusting) behaviour when it suited their purposes.
They don't seem to have problem turning a blind eye to behaviour like this when it involves the ACLU, one of the Lefts' sacred institutions.
Jeebus, I hate this shit. I'm guessing they'll toss this guy under the bus and hope to keep a lid on it. This sorta thing wouldn't reflect well on the people and the Party that does everything under the guise of, "For the Children". It may draw attention to the ACLU Policy To Legalize Child Porn Distribution.
Shit. Can't have that.