Blogger Visit .....................
Last Friday evening, out of the blue, I got a call from, Jerry. He's a fellow Hoosier who blogs at . What are ya gonna say when a guy calls ya up and says he's gonna be in the neighborhood? Especially, out here in the sticks where I live.
You say sure, come on by! So he did. He was on his way to points South and didn't get to stay long, but we yucked it up and had a good time getting to know each other. Surprisingly, that was easy and we fell into conversation like we'd known each other for a long time.
Interesting Guy. Smart and doesn't look anywhere near the age he tells me he is.
Unfortunately, Queen Buffness, was in the throes of a monster headache and she missed him.
Maybe next time. 'Cause there can be a next time anytime you're in the area, Jerry. I took a picture, but can't seem to locate it. Oh well, go to his place and see his mug.