Friday, May 4, 2007

Concert Review ..........

Went down to Louisville last night with a friend to see The Unknown Hinson.

This Dude can flat rock.

Three piece. Bass, Drums and Guitar. Super tight and all 3 of them are excellent musicians.

This was the first time I'd seen them live, though I'd heard them on a Live Lunch at WFPK Radio 2 years ago. (Follow that link to the archives and you can hear the shows. They have one in 2005 and 2006.)

(Just as an aside here - WFPK has the best Blues on Saturday Nights starting at 9 pm and running till 6 in the morning. It is available on your computer and I highly recommend it.)

Unknown Hinson is one of the best live performers I have ever seen and is an extraordinarily talented guitarist.

I've spent many years and untold amounts of money over the years going to see bands and frankly, I can't think of anyone I've ever seen that's a better guitar player. He was smoking it last night. The band was with him on every change - and there were a lot of them, as he'd bounce into and out of songs without missing a beat. As an example - Hendrix, "Manic Depression" with a cross into The Allman Brothers, "In memory of Elizabeth Reed" and back to Hendrix. Sounds strange but it worked great. He showed a mastery of various styles. Country, Jazz, Rock and Blues as he worked thru his VERY LONG set.

The crowd was obviously familiar with his originals and sang along on all of them. Songs like "I make faces when I make love", "I ain't afraid of your Husband", and one of my favorites, "Fish Camp Woman". He pronounces it "Womyrn", but it's an absolute smoking, blues number.

It seems that Unknown has been doing the voice on a cartoon called SquidBillies on Adult Swim. Now, I don't know shit about Cable Cartoon shows or anything like that. So that was all new to me. Looks pretty funny from what they were playing for an hour or so before the show.

OK, that's the deal. If this guy comes anywhere close to your neighborhood? Go check 'em out. You will not be disappointed.

I'm YerUnk and I approve this message.


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