Friday, March 14, 2008

Few would argue that Greek runner Yiannis Kouros isn't one of the most phenomenal endurance athletes the world has ever seen. His world records (particularly the multi-day records) are so staggering, they stretch the mind about what is humanly possible. But read his blog/Web site lately, and it feels like he is crossing the line from "elite" to "elitist". Mr. Kouros and his Racing Manager are the latest to jump in on the Dean-bashing (Karnazes, that is), and in doing so, have taken the elitism to a level I have never seen before.

Before I say anything else, I should note that I've never met Mr. Kouros. I've only read his blog, and of all people I should be sensitive to drawing conclusions about somebody based on their blog entries alone. ;-) But take a look at some of the latest blog entries on his site and you'll see what I mean. Something has happened between ESPN and Dean Karnazes that have put Kouros and his Racing Manager in a flaming fury. Take a look at this entry for starters:

A proposal from Yiannis Kouros' racing manager:

To whom it may concern, I represent Mr Yiannis Kouros, as his racing manager. Because too much and foolish noise has been made from one self-made “ultra-marathonner” and from the deceived and/or paid media, I propose the following:
Because athletes gain their value with performances in competitive events and not through self made events or self-advertisements, I propose a race of 1000km or a 6-day where the top ladies of the sport should be invited to run as well with the “fittest man”, starting with him. He has to win in order to qualify. If he comes behind even from one of the ladies he is not qualified. If he is successful, then he could continue for the next step to race with Yiannis Kouros, who is accepting to give him (to the “fittest man”), a 6 hour front start. Even if Y. Kouros belongs to a much older age group category, he is giving the other runner an equal opportunity in terms of age, on top of the 6-hour front start. The race should follow all the other internationally set regulations. Thus, it could be proven if the people are deceived by unofficial claims or not.

The Yiannis Kouros racing manager, I. Tsimplis
Yowza! Then cap it off with his most recent entry, which starts with a quote from the bible:
Mat 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

An announcement-statement from Y. Kouros manager, addressed to Journalists who approach or bother Y. Kouros:
Just by thinking of the “self-promoted ultra-marathonner”, who has not even a national record, who claims unofficial solo runs as his credit, which, anyway, thousands of people can do, they shouldn’t even approach Mr Kouros. Real Ultra-runners, like Mr Kouros feel sorry for those journalists and, because of them, the American public that are so easily deceived and cannot grasp something very obvious: A number of claims that do not have any value and a book with many lies...
"Real ultrarunners"? "American public that are so easily deceived and cannot grasp something very obvious"? Are you kidding me?!? I checked out the ESPN article, and I'm not sure what he's so pissed about. But holy cow!

Check out the Kouros Web site and perhaps you will do what I did - read it over and over, shocked that someone of Kouros' stature (or any ultrarunner for that matter) would say such things. Maybe his world of ultrarunning is way different than mine. For me the community, the friendship, and the respect for anyone who can do the distance defines what is best about this sport no matter how they taut themselves or make a living. But apparently we're not "real ultrarunners"...?

Kouros may be the most elite ultrarunner of our time. Based on what I've read, I think he may be the most elitist as well.

Somebody please tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you know the guy and this ain't him. Please, please give me something other than his insensitive Web site to draw a conclusion. And if Kouros is reading this, please let me do an interview with you here to set the record straight, and I will print it word for word what you write with no editing.

Okay, my rant is done. I'm going to go for a long, solo run with a big ass smile on my face. You can call me whatever you want, it's still going to be fun. ;-)



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