Thursday, December 31, 2009
For the Firearms Fans.....
Something to piss off everyone in here.
Pros and cons of possible SHTF rifle choices
Major funny article. Take a few and read it and enjoy.
Gratuitous Picture for a Thursday-
Don't sneeze.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Why is it???????????
That people who get their paycheck on the public dime are able to earn it in ways like this?
Phone points illegal border crossers to water
SAN DIEGO (AP) - A group of California artists wants Mexicans and Central Americans to have more than just a few cans of tuna and a jug of water for their illegal trek through the harsh desert into the U.S.
Faculty at University of California, San Diego are developing a GPS-enabled cell phone that tells dehydrated migrants where to find water and pipes in poetry from phone speakers, regaling them on their journey much like Emma Lazarus' words did a century ago to the "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" on Ellis Island.
The Transborder Immigrant Tool is part technology endeavor, part art project. It introduces a high-tech twist to an old debate about how far activists can go to prevent migrants from dying on the border without breaking the law.
The software is being designed to direct migrants to water stations but Cardenas said they may add other "safety markers," like roads, towns and Border Patrol lookouts.
The group has published verses to be played on the phone's "Global Poetic System."
One poem reads, "May your tracks cut the shortest distance between points A and B."
How about this poem instead, "May your ass acquire a friggen visa. Till then, stay the hell home".
Gratuitous Picture for a Wednesday-
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Allan Kirik, an ultrarunner from the 70's, became the 7th inductee into the American Ultrarunning Association (AUA) Hall of Fame. He's an interesting selection - check out the details below and you'll see a short career with some great (but short-lived) records). No doubt if you're in the sub-5 hour 50-mile and sub-6:40 100k, you're world class. Reading the dialogue, it seems the AUA has a fascination for the road.
American Ultrarunning Hall of Fame
Labels: aua
Monday, December 28, 2009
This is Interesting.........
Interesting not like, hmmmm. More like, "Oh shit'.
Al Qaeda Leaders Behind Christmas Day Attack Were Released from Guantanamo Bay in 2007
Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the Northwest bombing in a Monday statement that vowed more attacks on Americans.
American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.
Art Therapy didn't work? I'll be damned.
Seemed like a great idea at the time I'll bet.
Gratuitous Picture for a Monday Evening-
Click to embigginate.
Had to add the bonus Boobs.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Mail From My Senator......
I was checking the email a little while ago and Indiana Senator, Evan Bayh had sent me mail about how proud he was to have voted yes on the Christmas Eve Healthcare Shit Sandwich Bill.
I had to reply.
Here's what I sent him.....
Dear Senator Bayh,
Thank you for this email. Had you been answering the phones at ANY of your offices in the last 3 weeks when I tried to contact you or your staff, you'd have known that I was and still am adamantly opposed to this abortion of a bill.
I'm glad that you are proud to have voted "Yes".
You now own a piece of this crap and can be held accountable for that.
Be proud of pushing through this legislation in the middle of the night and forcing all citizens, through threat of government force, to purchase a, now inferior and more expensive product.
You may be proud of forcing me to pay for abortions, but I'm not at all happy about that.
You may be proud of helping the government in a fascist takeover of another huge piece of our national economy, but I'm not happy about that either.
Did you even read the bill prior to voting? Did you go through all 2500+ pages?
Don't bother answering that question. I already know the answer.
There is no way on Gods green earth that this spectacular crap sandwich will lower the cost of care and expenditures and it certainly won't lead to better care for the general public.
Oh, and that part where no one may make future changes in the bill? Beautiful.
I'm so looking forward to those death panels "recommending" what kind of care we receive and just who will be able to get it.
There were a lot of things that could have been done to improve care and help reduce costs, but nothing in this bill will do either.
There was no crisis in health care.
There was no reason this had to be forced down our throats like this in the middle of the night.
Go ahead and be proud of that vote and enjoy it now.
There was an overwhelming percentage of citizens who did not want this.
But you and your cohorts felt obligated to foist this on us anyway.
So much for a representative republic.
That it took massive bribery of at least 13 senators by Harry Reid to get the necessary votes shows 3 things.
1. The bill must not have been that good to begin with.
2. Senators are whores. Just not cheap whores.
3. You are a true believer in socialism and were to stupid to hold out for a sweetheart deal.
So thanks a lot, Senator for this spectacular shit sandwich of a bill and that demonstration of political power mongering.
And don't think we haven't noticed that you are exempt from this legislation.
In closing, I'd just like to thank you again for taking ownership of this.
You stupid son of a bitch.
YerUnk (I put my real name on the reply)
I did forget the wish him a Merry Christmas. My bad.
Gratuitous Picture for Christmas Night-
Evan Bayh telling me it's raining.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas From the Family......
What's Christmas without an appropriate song?
Here's Robert Earl Keene singing his classic-
YerUnk would like to wish each and everyone of you out there a Merry Christmas.
I hope all of us can celebrate with family and friends.
Think about and say a prayer for safety and thanks to all of the Servicemen and women that are not gonna be home this year.
I hope y'all get lots of ammo.
Yer gonna need it.
Gratuitous Picture for a Christmas Eve-
Something from a guy who would know.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday Afternoon Motorcycle Ride......
Put the bodywork back on the Concours and took her into town to top off the tank (So I can add some gas stabilizer) and get it good and warmed up for an oil change after I got back.
Kinda nippy out. Around 40 degrees. I'm really gonna have to install those grip heaters I bought, what was it, 3 years ago?
Something like that. I don't know why I keep putting it off but I do.
Well, the good news is she's all tightened up for the Winter now and I can start tucking away some cash for a new rear tire.
It needs one bad. Gonna have to get ready for Spring and regular riding again.
I didn't ride much this year. Had a lot of things going on, but that's not really much of an excuse.
Just didn't. Not really sure why either.
I plan on correcting that come Spring.
Gratuitous Picture for a Tuesday Afternoon-
Early morning on the 2007 trip
Monday, December 21, 2009
Something to Lighten My Mood.......
The black mood I've been under all day has needed something to relieve it.
This work for you?
I can look up on the wall above the computer here and see the autographed picture of Roy I have on the wall here. Long story of where and how I got it, but I'm not gonna tell it to ya even if the statute of limitations has run out.
Was lucky enough to see him 3-4 times and he may have been the best guitarist I ever had the pleasure to watch.
Howz-a-bout one more?
I last saw him in a small club in San Antonio during the Fall of 1986 during AIT while in the Army. Some young kid from Pittsburgh and I snuck out and took a cab downtown to see him. Cost us $20 bucks to get back into the barracks with out getting in trouble, but it was money well spent.
Gratuitous Picture for a Monday Night-
Some Dog impersonating Harry Reid.
That's you in the yellow tee shirt.
Christmas Wishes From Washington.....
"Bend over, Bitches. Got something for ya here."
My mood today has been bouncing back and forth between depression and homicidal rage like a ping pong match.
Like my old man used to say, "Don't know whether to shit or go blind".
The sunzabitches in the senate made it over the 1st and most important hurdle in cramming a health care takeover up the collective ass of We the People early this morning.
I got home from work last night and stayed up to follow the voting. Yes, I started drinking as soon as I walked in the door. You can't watch that kind of shit without alcohol.
It's obvious that the majority of the US citizens do not want this shit.
But there they were in the middle of the night, voting on a bill that will fundamentally change this country. And one that almost no one has even seen!
"Most transparent administration ever." - Kiss my skinny white ass you bastards.
Senator Evan Bayh hasn't answered a phone at any of his offices in Indiana or Washington DC for at least the last 3 weeks.
Representative? Not hardly. If they are just gonna do whatever the hell they want, who needs to hear from the peasants?
I better insert a disclaimer in here now- I'm asking questions and making guesses about what we may see in the future in response to this.
I don't endorse, advise or advocate anyone to do anything.
Got it? This is just supposition and thinking. That's it. Don't start anything stupid.
OK. Now that we got that out of the way.....
When are these people gonna be made to realize that there are consequences for treason of this nature?
Yes, treason.
There isn't a whole lot that these guys haven't taken over in the last year and there isn't anything that you can control people with better than gaming their access to healthcare.
The majority of citizens have consistently been against all of this but it doesn't seem to matter to the whitehouse, congress or senate.
I just don't see this ending well. I may get all loud and talk a lot of shit about this stuff, but folks like me do just that. Get loud and talk a lot of shit.
It's the quiet ones these guys better worry about.
Between my active duty and reserve time I spent 10 years in the Army. When I was in Germany, I could have walked across the border & defected to the DDR if I'd have wanted to live in a, Socialist Workers Paradise.
I'm just one of millions who have spent time keeping our country safe from Commie MoFos who never expected to see them emerge right here at home.
My guess is that there are some who are just not gonna be content to bend over and take this latest affront.
Last night 60 senators made this personal. And if this gets pushed through as planned, on Christmas Eve?
I'm seeing someone making it way more personal for a few of those senators and congressmen who pushed this crap through in ways they never imagined.
They don't answer the phones. They don't return letters or email.
They just don't seem to care.
So why should we?
Nope. I just don't see this turning out well. The persecution of the 3 Navy Seals, the intelligence agencies, leaving our troops hanging for months while deciding whether to support them or not & on and on.
Did you forget how the Obama administration wanted wounded Veterans care be covered by billing their private insurers?
Believe me, Vets haven't.
You may have read this before. It's part of an old piece of paper some dead white guys wrote a long time ago.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Here's something another old dead guy had to say about things like this -
“Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.” ~ John Locke
I'm thinking that some folks ought to start thinking about these sort of things.
Gratuitous Picture for a Monday-
(Click to embiggenate.)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
[a recent unfortunate txt exchange between me and my love, ultrarunning]
scott: r u ign0ring me? y no lottery entries?
ultrng: i thnk we need time apart. c othr peepl.
scott: i knew it how could u
ultrng: we had fun. rmbr the g00d times.
scott: i thought we had smthg!!! wht abt @states? @cool? @miwok? u r so mean
ultrng: srsly, get over yrslf.
scott: wht did i do wrng? :(
ultrng: u cheated
scott: i did n0t cheat!!!!
ultrng: u did bcuz u ran othr races
scott: ???
ultrng: races tht r youngr, fastr...evry1 saw
scott: they mean n0thng, u r all tht mttrs
ultrng: d00d, its 0vr ...l8r
scott: jst 1 m0r? plz?!?!?
scott: hell0?
scott: ur an @ss
We Are So Screwed.......
Roger sums it up with a simple screen shot of the Drudge Report
You only have to read 'em and it's all clear.
I'm off to work. Let's hope God decides to smite Harry Reid and a few of those Commie MoFos in the next couple of days.
Gratuitous Picture for a Sunday Morning-
Friday, December 18, 2009
Indonesia blog yang Anda baca inipun turut menggunakan meta tag ini. Buat blogger pemula anda boleh mwnggunakan trik ini jika menginginkannya silahkan di coba kalau kedepannya tidak ada perkembangan buat trsfik blog anda mungkin bisa anda ganti lagi.
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Sekian dulu mudah mudahan bermanfaat. Berikan saran dan kritik untuk artikel ini terima kasih...
baca juga yang ini:
tips trik blogging dengan blogspot
Labels: seo blog
This is Just too Cool......
Jetting through the Grand Canyon in 1959.
Saw this over at Stormbringer which is a really good read and should be on the links here.
Gratuitous Picture for a Friday Night-
Kawasaki Repair Shop & Presidential screwup #??????
Oh hell. Can't keep track of all of the Obama screwups.
Looks like this out in the garage today.
Here's DogBoys 1978 650cc he bought this fall. It's got a few electrical issues that are getting sorted right now.
Nice little bike. Just needs a little TLC to get up to speed.
Here's the Connie with most of the bodywork off.
Looks like the little tighten up I did on the radiator yesterday worked.
That certainly makes YerUnk happy. Getting into that hose is a major pain in the ass & I wasn't looking forward to digging into that again.
I keep the radio on when I'm farting around out there and every news break keeps going on about the Copenhagen climate meetings.
Doesn't sound like much is really getting accomplished there and for that we should all be glad.
Obama is having more Nuke Weapons reductions talks going too. This scares me. The Russians are gonna play this rookie like a fiddle again and that can't be good.
Sad part is, I know that the Russians are a bunch of cut throat bastards and not to be trusted to give a sucker an even break.
I don't know if Obama knows or cares about that.
Expect the Ruskies to make themselves a good deal and for Obama to sell us short.
Like in everything else he does.
This silly bastard couldn't get much more lame. I hope.
Gratuitous Picture for a Friday-
Don't drink the Commie Koolaid, Comrade!
USA Track & Field (USATF) has added a few new trail running championship distances, as well as shifted some venues for 2010. Pacific Northwest runners are definitely going to find their fair share of opportunities to garner a USATF medallion this year - congratulations, race directors!
Here's the preliminary schedule of trail and ultra USATF championship races:
March 7 - USATF 50k Road Championship, Caumsett 50k, Long Island, NY
April 10 - USATF 100k Road Championship, Mad City 100k, Madison, WI
June 12 - USATF Trail Half Marathon Championship, Dirty Half Marathon, Bend, OR
June 19 - USATF Mountain Running Championship, Mt. Washington Hill Climb, Gorham, NH
July 31 - USATF Trail 15k Championship, TBD, Spokane, WA*
July 31 - USATF Trail 50 Mile Championship, White River 50, White River, WA
July 31 - USATF Trail 100 Mile Championship, Burning River 100, Burning River, OH
Aug 28 - USATF Trail 10k Championship, Continental Divide 10k, Laurel Springs, NC
Sep 25 - USATF Trail 50k Championship, TBD, Bend, OR**
Oct 16 - USATF 50m Championship, Tussey Mountainback 50m, Boulsberg, PA
Nov 7 - USATF Trail Marathon Championship, Lithia Loop Marathon, Ashland, OR
* This is a new event that currently does not have a Web site - follow Spokane Sports for more info]
** This is a new event that currently does not have a Web site - follow Richard Bolt's blog for more info]
There is also a national Grand Prix event in the works for 2010 for those hitting four or more trail events.
The Road Runners Clubs of America (RRCA) is also having national championship races at the Umstead 100 (March 27) and the Tahoe Rim Trail 50k/50m/100m (July 17).
Wow! Lots of great events to be thinking about for next year.
- SD
Labels: USATF
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Concours Maintenance Day......
Been having a few minor things with the Connie that needed fixing so today I got my lazy ass out into the garage and got after it.
The dimmer switch for the headlight crapped out awhile back and I got one on Ebay for less than 6 bucks. pretty easy fix.
The front brake switch hasn't worked in a couple of years, but I figured since I was gonna be fooling with things electrical I ordered on a week or 2 ago and was swapping it out when I dropped the tiny ass mounting screw.
Gone. Could not find it. Do not have a 4mm screw like that anywhere.
Had to drive up to the Kawasaki dealer and get one. The good news? The mechanic just gave me one so they didn't charge me the $45 dollars or some crap that everything seems to cost when you go to the dealer.
Must be the Christmas Season.
Got it fixed though.
I've had a small leak of antifreeze somewhere and found that (while looking for that damn screw) too.
I think it was just a loose hose clamp from when I changed hoses after The Big Blowout!
I hope that's all it is because it's a major pain in the ass to get into it if not.
I'll take it around the block tomorrow (4 miles) and see if it still leaks.
Here's hoping.
Pretty good day though and you can't complain about that.
Gratuitous Picture for a Motorcycle Repair Day-
Jayne Mansfield. Oh hell yes.
Vampires You Say?????
Miss Tam brought this to my attention today.
Self-proclaimed vampire leader pleads guilty to threatening judge
"Indianapolis - Prosecutors say it's a case they've never seen before, involving a self-proclaimed vampire who made threats of violence.
A 45-year-old Indianapolis man will spend more than two years in jail for threatening to torture and kill a judge. He told prosecutors he's exempt from traditional laws. Instead, he follows vampire law..."
"Mr. Flash believes that he is the leader of the Vampyre Nation and there are a group of individuals that believe they're vampires here in the United States and he is their leader," said Massillamany."
He calls himself, "Rocky Flash". That's funny.I thought Vampires were supposed to be all sexy and shit?
Rocky is rating a major fail on that.
Not that I give a shit.
As Tam notes he's probably lucky he's not in the, "Rubber Ramada".
He's just part of that "Change" you assholes voted for I guess.
Gratuitous Picture for a Thursday Afternoon-
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Uninvited Guests.......
Here's a beautiful response to all the hub bub about the party crashers at the White House recently.
From a Las Vegas Newspaper.
To the editor:
I don't understand why the White House is so upset about the two party crashers at Barack Obama's steak dinner the other night.
Is it really appropriate and politically correct to call
them party crashers just because they trespassed on
Mr. Obama?
Does that make them criminals? Isn't that discrimination?
Shouldn't they be rewarded for such bold and brave behavior? Maybe they were just trying to feed their family?
I would suggest that it's more appropriate to call them "undocumented guests."
Just because they weren't officially invited doesn't
mean they should be treated like criminals.
Maybe they should get free health care, free housing, free
legal services and free White House green cards so next time they can enter legally.
And they should be able to bring all of their relatives and family members, too.
How can Mr. Obama be mad at them just because they crossed over some arbitrary man-made border?
They were there only to do the things that regularly invited guests didn't want to do.
(Like hang out with Joe Biden.)
How can the White House punish these poor oppressed undocumented visitors?
Brian K. Shoemake
The funny thing is, the incident above was the SECOND time this has happened.
We're just now hearing about These Folks from Georgia.
The improbable adventure of Harvey and Paula Darden, Obama supporters from Hogansville, Ga., took place on Veterans Day, two weeks before Virginia socialites Tareq and Michaele Salahi infamously crashed the Obamas' state dinner for the prime minister of India.
The Dardens mistakenly showed up a day early for a tour scheduled through their congressman.
The White House and Secret Service both said the Dardens went through the appropriate security screenings and were allowed into the breakfast as a courtesy because there were no public tours the day they arrived.
That explanation was news to Harvey Darden, 67, a retired pharmacist, who said he and his wife never were told about the breakfast. They thought they were simply starting their tour until they were ushered into the East Room, offered a buffet spread and told they'd be meeting the president.
"The further we got into the White House, the more surprised we were," Darden told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "My wife looked at me and I looked at her, and I said, 'You know, I don't know if we're in the right place.......'"
This would be hilarious ........... except the same people who can't even run their own house professionally, want to stick their noses into every aspect of your life!
I'm really starting to hate this shit.
Gratuitous Picture for a Wednesday Afternoon-
Kicking Zombie ass.
That's how ya do it!
art of obama
Christmas at Arlington.......
I found the picture below a few years ago and post it every year. I wasn't aware of These Folks and I'm pretty sure they had to be the ones who made this picture possible. Working with Wreaths Across America
God love these folks and if you have a few bucks to donate, do it.
"Why America Hates Universal Health Care".......
This article should be required reading.
I saw this yesterday at The Smallest Minority but it appears to be spreading all over the web.
AS it should.
This is an extremely well written article about something that may well finish our country off as a Representative Republic.
Just go read it. Take 10 minutes of your day to gain an understanding and answer to any argument presented to you about this topic.
Reading this I was reminded of my recent visit to the Doc for a checkup.
She says- "Unk, yer fat."
Unk- "I want a second opinion".
Doc- "Yer ugly too."
With apologies to Rodney Dangerfield.
Gratuitous Picture for a Wednesday Morning-
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
From That Place Where Great Briton...... He said: 'If persons were permitted to take the law into their own hands and inflict their own instant and violent punishment on an apprehended offender rather than letting the criminal justice system take its course, then the rule of law and our system of criminal justice, which are hallmarks of a civilised society, would collapse.'"
Used to be.
Comes this.
"A millionaire businessman who fought back against a knife-wielding burglar was jailed for two-and-a-half years yesterday. But his attacker has been spared prison.
Munir Hussain, 53, and his family were tied up and told to lie on the floor by career criminal Waled Salem, who burst into his home with two other masked men.
Mr Hussain escaped and attacked Salem with a metal pole and a cricket bat. But yesterday it was the businessman who was starting a prison sentence for his 'very violent revenge'.
I really find it hard to believe that these people actually ruled a shit load of the world at one time.
"Jailing him, Judge John Reddihough said some members of the public would think that 56-year-old Salem 'deserved what happened to him' and that Mr Hussain 'should not have been prosecuted'.
But had he spared Mr Hussain jail, the judge said, the 'rule of law' would collapse.
This is the same squishy assed crap that progressive types would like to see here in this country.
They should be giving the guy a friggin award for outstanding civic duty.
"Rule of law" my ass.
Gratuitous Picture for a Tuesday Evening-
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sheriff Holley Was Right.......
It seems that the Wooden Gun used by John Dillinger to escape from the Lake County Jail was auctioned off recently for $19,120.
Damn. Hope they enjoy it.
Here's a picture of what was auctioned off.
When I was a kid I worked at a Texaco station in Crown Point, Indiana. That's the county seat and the site of the Lake County Jail from which Dillinger made his famous escape.
Lillian Holley was the Sheriff at the time of the escape. Here she is in a picture with Dillinger.
Miss Holley, was still alive back when I was a kid pumping gas and she drove a Buick (if memory serves me correctly) and filled it up at the Texaco station where I worked.
I had no clue who she was. One of the older guys told me the story of how she had been the Sheriff when John Dillinger escaped & I thought that was pretty cool.
She was just a nice old lady as far as I knew and I did the usual, fill 'er up, wash the windows, check the oil and ask her if she "Saved Stamps like all the other old women who came in.
I'd been putting gas in her car for a couple of years and talked to her every time I'd filled her up, so I wasn't shy about asking her about the Dillinger story.
She told me that the whole "Wooden gun. Bar of Soap Gun, etc" was bullshit. (Not her words. She was very polite and proper to me.)
Her story was that someone smuggled in a pistol and assisted with the escape.
She also said that "Someday, somebody is gonna make a lot of money selling that wooden gun".
It's been about 40 years since she told me that, but damn if she didn't get it right.
H/T to Say Uncle for the story.
Years later, after they had built a new jail, the old jail downtown was sold to a guy who started development on the buildings and I worked on the crew. I found 2 of these signs tucked in a corner-
I gave the Boss 1 and stashed 1 for myself.
My Bestest Buddy Steve & I worked as laborers when they tore the boilers out of the place. There were 3 big boilers in the boiler house and there was one guy, Big Harry, who was cutting them up with a torch and Steve & I would haul the pieces out and toss 'em in the dumpster.
There's 2 or 3 layers of steel in those boilers and a blanket of asbestos between each one. Remember, this was a long time ago. Nobody wore a mask. There was so much asbestos floating around in the air it looked like we were working in a snow storm. We both coughed & sneezed up big hunks of fibrous shit for weeks. Never thought much about it back then.
Bestest buddy Steve & Big Harry have both died of lung cancer since then.
Coincidence? Damn if I know, but I try not to think about it too much.
Edit Note 12-15-09. This is not a GrumpyUnk original drawing. One of the comments was about the sacrilegious nature of this drawing. I agree.
This is the guy who did the artwork
Like they say on TV, I report. You decide.
Gratuitous Picture for Monday Night-
Yep, the Obama art is getting goofier.
Babysat a Holstein Today.....
Well, that's not technically true. It was a little 6 month old kid who shit like a Holstein cow.
As a nurse, I've dealt with plenty of poop and let me tell ya, this kid was amazing.
The wife watches this kid for a nice young couple, but she's off up North till tomorrow so I drew the duty of minding the kid and cleaning up the doody she produced today.
I worked on farms as a kid and know what kind of volume a cow can crap out and this kid is no piker, let me tell ya. I had no idea that a little kid could produce a cowpie like that.
An eye opener to say the least.
Butt she's gone home and it's "Beer Thirty" now and I'm able to walk outside and not worry about her.
I'm to old to be babysitting kids.
Gratuitous Picture for a Monday Evening-
Sunday, December 13, 2009
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Labels: porsche
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I Can Only Dream of This Kind of Awesome......
And I'm pretty damn awesome.
But I am nowhere close to these 6 guys.
"Train buffs are facing jail after building their own ramshackle locomotive and taking it on the public rail network.
The six-seater train - made out of garden furniture and salvaged train parts - was powered by an electric motor and even had its own refreshments car in the shape of a crate of beer."
Made their own damn locomotive and ran it out on the rails. Hot damn, Skippy that is some cool shit there.
The Germans take their rail traffic seriously, so these guys are probably in a boatload of trouble.
But some things are just worth it.
Hats off to them.
Gratuitous Picture for a Saturday Night/Sunday Morning-
Friday, December 11, 2009
Another Day Older........
An a Happy Birthday to me today as I've made it long past what many would have bet on!
Really, it's just another day though and we should be glad for everyone we get.
Birthday Music fer me-
I've got this Irish thing going on today so here's another-
I've got a date with some Guinness now. Hoist one for you and me too!
Gratuitous Picture for a Friday Afternoon-
Wednesday, December 9, 2009




Labels: toyota yaris


Labels: Honda City



Labels: suzuki baleno

Labels: kijanag capsule, toyota
Dartz Kombat T98 is a luxury SUV Range Rover Vogue which has been modified by Armet Armored Vehicles owned by a Russian businessman, Armet Gurkha into a bulletproof car.
Dartz car design Kombat T98 luxury SUVs like the Hummer into. Not only is thrown bulletproof by arms of the AK-47, even this car did not catch fire by the explosion of grenades though.
This car body is made of thick steel while the glass using a glass with a thickness of up to 7 cm. Although heavy, with V8nya Vortec engine, this car was driven up to 180 km / hour.
According to information, this car sells for U.S. $ 200,000 or approximately IDR 2 billion more.
Labels: range rover



Labels: suzuki grand vitara