Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Got Nuthin'.........

To say lately.
So things have been a bit sparse here as of late.

Not that there's any shortage a shit going on I could rail about.
There's always plenty of that and more everyday. I'm just in one of those midwinter low spots right now and will probably stay that way till we get some regular sunshine back.

I'm getting the seed starting program setup tomorrow. Maybe if I lay under the grow lights it'll perk me up some!

Spring is coming soon and I'm going to have to figure out a way to effectively utilize the HoopHouse this year. Some minor modifications are in order when the weather gets better. We'll see if I can do a little better this year. I may even move the HoopHouse out to the new area.

A garden plan and a log book is in order this year also. I generally just start planting things without any real plan and wing it. I'm gonna try to keep a log of what and where I put things.

As an example of why I need this, I already forgot which trees are planted where from 2 years ago. Sure I can tell an apple tree from a peach tree but which type of apple or peach is it?

Damned if I know now.

Just one more area of self improvement on my part to be addressed.

There's going to be a lot more area in the garden this year too. I don't know that I really need it all but I'm going to use it anyway.
I'm thinking that most of this area will be used for semi-permanent things like berries, grapes, rhubarb and the big row of asparagus I planted last fall.
Getting those things out of the raised boxes will free up a lot of room in the main garden area.

Thinking of Spring a lot here today.

I fired up the BigBluePlasticMotorcycle today and let it run for a bit. I should order a rear tire now and have it ready for when the weather breaks. A good rear tire is all it needs.
Lord knows, I could use a good long ride.

Gratuitous Picture for a Wednesday Night-
I wish there was a way to afford a trip out West again. The BigBluePlasticMotorcycle with the mountains of Northern Wyoming as a background.


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