Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More Overreach.........
See the post below for starters on this overreach thing.

Here's something I first heard of today.

Obama administration will accept no more public input for federal fishery strategy

"The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters.

This announcement comes at the time when the situation supposedly still is "fluid" and the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force still hasn't issued its final report on zoning uses of these waters.

That's a disappointment, but not really a surprise for fishing industry insiders who have negotiated for months with officials at the Council on Environmental Quality and bureaucrats on the task force. These angling advocates have come to suspect that public input into the process was a charade from the beginning.

"When the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) completed their successful campaign to convince the Ontario government to end one of the best scientifically managed big game hunts in North America (spring bear), the results of their agenda had severe economic impacts on small family businesses and the tourism economy of communities across northern and central Ontario," said Phil Morlock, director of environmental affairs for Shimano......"

Did you get that?
Here. Just in case you missed it-
"The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters."

Just in case you can't figure out what that means.

You. Will. Not. Be. Legally. Able. To. Take. Your. Kids. Fishing. Ever. Again.

Got that?

Will he go for it?
Who knows?

The fact that they are EVEN THINKING of this kind of stupid shit should be reason enough to be pissed.

Frankly, if you're not pissed about this ........ Piss off you sonofabitches.

That's all I have to say to this fucking idea and whoever came up with it, too.

If this shit keeps up, we're all gonna be lamenting the "Good old days" before long.

Gratuitous Picture-
This sign makes more sense everyday.


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