Friday, August 20, 2010

Profiling HURT is a new documentary DVD that follows ultrarunners through Hawaii's grueling HURT 100, arguably one of the world's most difficult 100-milers. It's a great taste of the people, spirit, and challenge behind this monumental challenge, and it's already become a staple in my DVD library (now getting plenty of 5am cycling trainer use). I would highly recommend it.

Profiling HURT (FINAL) from Barry Walton on Vimeo.

Ultrarunner Mark Gilligan (known to many as the co-founder of is the energetic and self-professed bordeline-attention-deficit-disorder athlete at the center of the story. We catch up with him training for his 2nd HURT 100 after a great 6th place debut the previous year. He soon ropes in his rookie friend, Scott Guild, and we follow them through a season of training and reflection. Much of their day-to-day shows the kind of drive and dedication that 100-milers must have to tackle such a huge adventure, whether it's running flights of stairs daily in his office building, taking a 4am 40-mile fun run with friends on a freezing beach, the endless food and caffiene abuse, dealing with injuries, and a positive attitude that pervades everything. The HURT 100 is his great white whale, his fixation that allows him to take his training to the limits of injury and mental exhaustion just for the challenge. I chuckled at many of the scenes, realizing how many people must see me in a similar shade of insanity. All this for a belt buckle?

The HURT 100 course, beautifully captured by film maker Barry Walton, is staggeringly difficult. There are roots, mud, and vertical at every turn, heat that barely subsides in the night, and rarely a section long enough to actually run. I found myself pausing the video on many occasions and just shaking my in the world are these guys doing this?!? The aid station volunteers, manned by the always-smiling Hawaii Ultra Running Team (HURT), are like angels in the hills. It really gives you an appreciation for this well-respected race.

HURT from Barry Walton on Vimeo.

You can check out more at the Profiling HURT Web site, or buy it at I think you will like it!

- SD


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