Monday, August 6, 2007

I called up the doc last week to ask him about an odd pain that I haven't been able to shake since the TRT100. For some reason, about 5 miles into a run my knees start feeling a dull ache that can sometimes bring me to a standstill. Walking is fine, but running becomes unbearable. I haven't experienced anything like it, but then again, I haven't experienced anything quite like a 100 either. ;-) Was this just part of the normal 100-miler recovery?

(Me caning in at the TRT100 finish;
photo courtesy of Bernt Bratsberg from Norway who came to pace his wife, Sharon)

The doc asked a lot of specific questions about where the pain was, in what circumstances, what type, etc., and concluded it was the classic signs of "stress fracture in tibia" and "possible torn meniscus". Don't know what that means in terms of recovery until we get x-rays, but for now it means NO RUNNING. Crap!

The good news is that (1) it doesn't hurt unless I'm running, and (2) I'm still okay to swim and do light cycling. So I won't be going crazy. But unfortunately it means I'm out of the 12 Hours of Cool on Saturday.

Subsequent conversations with the doc revealed an interesting thing - the damage on the right knee is worse than the left knee. I asked why this was the case since I had injured my left leg at TRT100 - he then replied, "and then you hobbled on your right leg for over two hours, bearing all your weight". Oh, yeah. Oops. It gave me an interesting perspective on whether or not it is smart to drop in the latter part of a long race (per Lon Freeman) - I may have my finish buckle, but now have to scratch at least one other race this season.

All my best to those of you tackling 12 Hours of Cool this weekend. Have an extra Coke for me!

- SD


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