Friday, June 13, 2008

Unk. Where the Hell Have You Been?????

Good question. First, let me apologize to all 3 of you who actually read this drivel on a regular basis.

There has been a series of what would best described as, "Bad Shit Incidents" here at GrumpyUnk World over the last few months that have been absorbing my limited attention span.

I'm not gonna go into detail about most of that crap because if it was enough to tweak my head you surely don't need to hear
about it.

One of the things that I will tell ya about is - The Lump. As in the wife's breast. Yep, that one got my friggin' attention. With my job, I've gotten to see many cases of breast cancer. The outcomes, even for survivors, are always shitty. Terrible in death and the treatment is just miserable on the victims.

The good news after all of the diagnostics? No cancer! She was a lot more calm about the whole thing than I was. Maybe a
little knowledge is a bad thing sometimes.

So that's just a good example of all the goofy shit that's been going on here and why I've ignored this place for the last 2 months. Just couldn't get my head into the game. This kind of thing isn't real important on a good day and it sure isn't when things are going bad.

Again, my apologies.

I hope to get back into a semi regular mode soon.

I finally updated the sidebar yesterday.

If you should be on there and aren't, let me know & I'll get it fixed........... Someday.

OK, I think the rain has stopped and I'm off to work on the garden project.

BTW- Say a little prayer for all the folks hit by the flooding here locally in Southern Indiana and now in Iowa and Wisconsin.
We've had a family staying here who lost most everything in the flooding. Shit like that makes me think my problems aren't all that bad.

This is what it looked like last Saturday just 10 miles from my place.

Here's a few more pics of the flooding here.


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