YerUnk Responds to a Comment .....
In the post directly below this one, I received an unusual comment from someone calling himself, Rev Donald Spitz. I don't get a heck of a lot of comments here, but most are from friends, family and the 3 readers of this crap.
I get a spambot once in awhile but most folks don't piss me off enough to respond like this.
The Rev Donald Spitz has pissed me off that much.
Oh Hell, just read it -
"The people that have shot dead babykilling abortionists did a good thing. The babykilling abortionists only reaped what they sowed. If they can murder helpless babies and it's ok, it certainly cannot be wrong to stop them in the same manner. I'm glad the people who stopped them did it.
SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.
Rev Donald Spitz"
Dear Donald,
Let me say this up front. I hate abortion and see it as an abomination before God and a curse on our Nation. It is my sincere wish to see abortion on demand eliminated.
I am astounded that anyone who would call himself Reverend, would openly call for the breaking of Commandment Number Six - Thou Shalt Not Kill.
You do realize that The Ten Commandments are just that - Commandments.
Not Suggestions.
Not Good Advice From The Celestial Creator.
No, they are called Commandments for good reason.
In that post, I was commenting on an official State document that would classify me, through my outspokenness against abortion, a Domestic Terrorist.
You are who they were referring to, Donald. And for good reason.
I followed the link by your name to your website - "The Army of God". Let me clue you in on something, Donald. God doesn't NEED you or your Army. If He wanted abortionists dead, I'm thinking he could make that happen on His own. If He can set the stars in the sky, I see Him having no problem with passing out a few, well deserved heart attacks to those who earn them.
You shouldn't presume that you have any duty or right to glorify killers just because you like their selection process.
As someone calling himself, Reverend, you should know that God will deal with you also for "False Teaching".
2 Peter 1 - But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
Yep, I think He was talking about you, Donald.
That leads me the second part of your comment, "The Sinners Prayer."
How dare you! After saying this - "I'm glad the people who stopped them did it." You have the nerve to presume that any rational person would be interested in YOUR definition of God and Salvation?
That Prayer isn't new to me. I spoke those words 24 years ago. I may not live it on a daily basis like I ought to, but I know what the score is.
To those who don't know what the score is, why would they want anything to do with the likes of you, your hatred, and glorification of murder?
Way to alienate the very people that God commands you to reach.
You should stop calling yourself, Reverend and step down from any leadership position you currently have. Go get a job at Kmart and shut the hell up.
You and your, "Army of God" would better serve God by casting yourselves off a cliff. I realize you may not be willing to take me up on that last bit of advice and I understand. That was asking a bit much. But you damn well ought to quit perverting the will of God and leading/driving folks away from God.
Don't bother commenting on this, Donald. You have earned the distinction of being the first commenter that I've had to ban.