Friday, May 1, 2009


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Gay Marriage: the act of a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman will be the issue that revives the Republican Party.

Consider that for the first time, more Americans - including myself - support Gay Marriage than oppose it 49 percent to 46 percent according to the latest Washington Post / ABC Poll. But that near 50-50 split is common in many polls and shows that as the idea becomes more mainstream there's a healthy opposition to it.

We saw this recently in the comments by Miss California Carrie Prejean who said she believes marriage should be between a man and a woman and who parlayed her new fame into a gig working as a spokesperson for the National Organization for Marriage, while angering famous blogger Perez Hilton, who fired off a nasty retort using the "B-word."

That's the shape of things to come, but let's see where we really are because the media can make it seem as if Gay Marriage is already the norm, but it's not. As of November 2008, 29 states passed constitutional amendments barring the recognition of same sex marriage, so the majority of states still don't back it, even as Maine and New Hampshire seem set to approve it.

See, rather than becoming less of a wedge issue, it's more so.

As more people speak in favor of it, we have more who speak against it, and that's the political dynamic that could hurt us democrats.

We could have an election contest pitting two Black candidates, one Democrat and pro Gay Marriage, the other Republican and not, but basically having the same positions as his more liberal challenger. The way society is moving the GOP candidate could win. Recognition of this is already starting to split the Democratic Party, but the overriding economic problems are the glue that binds us for now. But for how long?

The real issue is the civil right of a person to marry who they want, not sexual orientation.

Look, about half the women I've dated said they were lesbian and still slept with me. Some of them are now married to men and have kids!

On top of that, we have websites like Ashley that encourage married couples to cheat on each other!

It all spells one big anarchnistic, me-ism mess. My prediction is that over the next 25 years this hyper-fluidity in relationships will give way to a desire for something predictable.

But the road to that place will be rocky, with political groups, lawsuits charging sexual abandonment, and a newly revived GOP.

Buckle up!


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