Wednesday, May 20, 2009

For those who didn't hear, triathlete and endurance athlete Steve Larsen died suddenly yesterday while training with a group of runners in Bend, OR. For those of us who knew how fit he was, it's quite a shock to hear. He was an amazing athlete, coach, and father. I'll miss him.

I had met Steve at the Pacific Crest Triathlon, the Haulin' Aspen Trail Marathon, Vineman, and numerous endurance events. He was always friendly and fun, and had plenty of time for us newbies in the sport. If you could keep up with his blistering pace, he had lots of great stories of being part of the Motorola cycling team with Lance Armstrong, his numerous Xterra and Mountain Bike victories, breaking into the world of Ironman triathlon with a victory at Lake Placid, etc. These stories were only trumped by the joy he showed when talking about his five kids, age 2-13. He was extraordinary in many ways. Dan Empfield at does a great recap of his life and career, and his devotion to his wife of 16 years.

I haven't found a memorial fund for him yet, so if anyone hears anything, please post a comment. In the meantime, I'm sure his family would appreciate any purchasing on Steve's online tri site called

All my best to his friends and family.

- SD

[photo courtesy of the Bend Bulletin]


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