Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday, Monday ......
Can't trust that day......
Apologies to, The Mamas & The Papas for that. But it seems to fit this morning.

Rained quite a bit last night and that is gonna put a crimp on my plans for today. Oh well. Can't always have it your way.

I caught some of the crappy respiratory virus that's making the rounds here and feel like ass anyway. So I probably wasn't gonna get a hell of a lot done today anyway.

There's still a ton of things to be done around here that aren't dependent on sunny weather.

Ain't that always the case?
If I live to be a hundred I'll never finish all the things I want to do now.
But that's really a good thing I suppose. Like they always told us in the Army, "It's good to have a mission."

In the ER, I piss a lot of Zombies off by telling them they should get a job, a hobby or do something to occupy their time in a constructive manner. This isn't just because I want to piss 'em off, but because it's true.
People need to be busy at something. It's good good for you.

Making Methamphetamine isn't what I'm talking about either.

To much of that crap going on around here as it is. The farmers are parking the Anhydrous wagons up closer to the house (but downwind if their smart) now to keep the Meth Zombies from stealing it for cooking. It's the big season for the Meth Heads now when Farmers are trying to get crops in. Lots of Anhydrous out there right now and those pesky little bastards will be looking to steal it.

Oh well, time to get my day started.
Gratuitous Picture for a Monday Morning-
Remember to wear your safety equipment.


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