Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Rumah Idaman Minimalis Desain Denah Gambar Rumah Idaman Sederhana
0 comments Posted by ai at 8:46 AMRumah Idaman Minimalis Desain Denah Gambar Rumah Idaman Sederhana - Siapa orang yang tidak ingin memiliki sebuah rumah yang nyaman di huni. Selain sebagai tempat berteduh seluruh keluarga, tempat tinggal dan menjalani semua aktivitas bersama dengan orang-orang tercinta. Dan saat ini sebuah konsep rumah idaman dengan model minimalis sudah menjadi sebuah trend bukan hanya di negara Indonesia, melainkan melanda di seluruh dunia.
Rumah Minimalis merupakan konsep rumah impian kita semua,sebelum itu apakah kalian tahu maksud dari rumah minimalis ini? Lihat Desain gambar Model Rumah Mungil Desain Untuk Rumah Kecil Mungil Sederhana dan Desain Interior Rumah Idaman Keluarga Tips Mengatur Interior Rumah Sederhana Minimalis
Model Rumah Sederhana Minimalis adalah sebuah gaya arsitektur bangunan yang tengah menjadi tren di metropolitan. Karya arsitektur bangunan, termasuk rumah minimalis, merupakan pilihan-pilihan terhadap bentuk arsitektur sebagai akibat budaya. Bukan sekadar latah ikut-ikutan tren.
MINIMALIS adalah pola berpikir, bekerja, dan suatu cara hidup. Sebuah cara pandang baru dalam melihat desain sebagai refleksi cara hidup masyarakat urban yang serba praktis, ringan, efisien, dan penuh kesederhanaan.
Rumah minimalis pun hadir dengan karakter lebih jelas (bentuk dan ruang geometris, sederhana), lebih baik (kokoh), dan lebih kuat dengan ruang- ruang yang kosong (sedikit ornamen dan perabotan). Prinsipnya semakin sederhana, maka kualitas desain, ruang yang ada, dan penyelesaian bidang struktur harus semakin lebih baik. John Pawson yang dianggap sebagai guru "minimalisme" menghadirkan desain rumah yang minim garis, suasana yang hening dan indah.
Namun perlu dicatat terlalu minimalis akan menjadi steril, tunggal rupa, dan cenderung membosankan. Untuk itu perlu dipahami bersama bagaimana pengembangan dasar rumah minimalis dalam konteks budaya masyarakat urban kita.
Apakah bentuk rumah idaman minimal selalu kotak sederhana atau ada bentuk lain?
Bentuk Rumah Minimalis tidak selalu harus kotak sederhana, tetapi juga dapat berbentuk platonik geometri menjadi bagian dari lanskap yang "tiba-tiba" muncul ke atas. Namun, jika rumah tersebut memang hanya diperlukan bentuk kotak, maka bentuk kotak merupakan hasil dari suatu proses kebutuhan fungsi, bukan karena pemaksaan ataupun latah mengikuti tren.
Minimum is ultimate ornament. Minimum menjadi tujuan sekaligus ornamen itu sendiri yang sederhana dan murni (simple and pure). Garis-garis lurus, bidang-bidang datar yang mulus, terkadang kasar, dan pertemuan bidang yang serba siku tegak lurus. Blocking massa, material, pencahayaan, pengulangan, sirkulasi ringkas, optimalisasi multifungsi ruang dan berurut.
Apakah jenis bahan material yang digunakan harus sesedikit mungkin?
Pemakaian beragam bahan material seperti kayu, batu bata, batu kali, kaca, beton ekspos, atau baja juga dapat tampil murni. Ekspos dominasi bahan material tertentu akan menghasilkan efek yang berbeda-beda. Desain dan perhitungan struktur yang detail dapat menghemat pemakaian bahan material dengan hasil bangunan tetap optimal.
Penyelesaian mulai dari lantai, dinding, pintu, jendela, lubang angin, skylight, plafon, hingga atap, dengan kombinasi pemakaian bahan secara konsisten. Rangka (beton, baja), dinding (kaca, kayu, beton polos/ekspos, baja, batu kali, batu bata, hebel, batako), pintu dan jendela (kayu, metal), tangga (beton, baja, kayu, fiberglass), skylight (fiberglass), lantai (semen, teraso, keramik, marmer, parquet), plafon (tripleks, gipsum) atau tanpa plafon (beton ekspos, ekspos rangka atap baja, kayu) dan atap (genteng, sirap, baja).
Penggunaan warna-warna cerah (merah, oranye, kuning) pada beberapa bidang ekspos akan memperkuat aksen rumah minimalis dan menjadikannya titik pusat perhatian lingkungan.
APAKAH arsitektur rumah minimalis itu murah karena pemakaian kata minimal
Apakah membangun rumah minimalis itu harus mahal? Bagi pasangan muda atau eksekutif muda yang mendambakan rumah minimalis sebagai bagian simbol kehidupan metropolis, keterbatasan dana jelas menjadi kendala utama.
Rumah minimalis menekankan bentuk desain yang lugas, polos, sederhana, tidak rumit, kompak, dan efisiensi ruang. Mahal murah suatu bangunan sangat ditentukan oleh pemakaian bahan material yang digunakan dari desain yang diusulkan. Adapun biaya struktur bangunan rumah umumnya memakai harga standar pasaran. Penyelesaian pekerjaan yang rapi dan penuh kehati-hatian menuntut tenaga tukang yang terampil, jeli, dan berpengalaman sehingga membuat biaya tukang di atas harga pasaran.
Kesan minimalis juga tampil pada sikap arsitek, atas persetujuan klien sebagai calon penghuni rumah, untuk "sukarela" mereduksi berbagai kebutuhan yang tidak penting. Hanya bagian esensial fungsi rumah saja yang tetap dipertahankan sehingga jika rumah tersebut berkesan minimalis, itu hanyalah merupakan hasil dari sebuah proses. Bukan tujuan akhir. Keindahan rumah minimalis secara optimal terjadi dari kemurnian fungsi itu sendiri.
Apakah rumah minimalis nyaman untuk ditempati?
Rumah minimalis jelas akan terasa nyaman untuk ditinggali bagi masyarakat urban yang serba praktis, fungsional, ringan, hemat, dan efisien, karena minimalis adalah pengejawantahan gaya hidup mereka, sesuai dengan kebutuhan fungsi mereka. Simbol gaya hidup metropolis. Sebuah cara hidup sederhana secara total.
Perabotan rumah mengikuti bentuk dasar geometris bangunan, efisien, dan fungsional saja. Penataan cahaya lampu yang cermat dan berseni (lampu sorot, lampu tanam, lampu gantung, lampu taman) membuat rumah minimalis tampak lebih artistik di malam hari.
Rumah minimalis akan terus berkembang seiring dengan kreativitas arsitek, inovasi desain, dan ditunjang kecanggihan teknologi, membuat penampilan rumah minimalis akan selalu hadir dengan terobosan- terobosan baru yang segar, detail yang makin sempurna, dan harga yang semakin terjangkau. Kehadiran rumah minimalis justru menjadi media komunikasi antara arsitektur dan lanskap dengan bentuk kekontrasannya antara alam dan sesuatu buatan manusia (budaya).
Penataan taman bergaya minimalis akan memberikan "roh" kelembutan terhadap kekakuan bentuk bangunan, kekerasan bahan material, dan keselarasan hidup dengan lingkungan teduh sekitar. Kehadiran pepohonan yang rindang, halaman berumput, dan tanaman teduh lainnya memberikan suasana segar dan hidup untuk mengisi "kehampaan" rumah minimalis.
Pada akhirnya nilai keindahan rumah minimalis tidak lagi mengandalkan ornamen dan obyek artifisial, tetapi lebih bermakna kepada sebuah kejujuran bentuk, fungsi, dan penjiwaan ruang yang diciptakan. Maka tak heran jika kemudian rumah minimalis menjadi pilihan masyarakat urban yang merindukan kejujuran, kesederhanaan, dan kepolosannya. Sumber : Kompas(dot)com
Labels: lifestyle
Seleksi PTN 2011 Biaya Dan Cara Mendaftar SNMPTN Jalur Tulis Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
0 comments Posted by ai at 7:35 AMLabels: pendidikan
Monday, May 16, 2011
This press release on a special Tuesday San Francisco event - " America's Cup Yachts Sail into SF" - was sent today:
USA 76 and Replica of AMERICA Come to San Francisco Bay in support of 34th America's Cup
WHAT: In support of the 34th America’s Cup, AMERICA and USA 76 are coming to San Francisco to allow residents and visitors the opportunity to experience the excitement of authentic America’s Cup yachts. Operated by Troy Sears, the yachts will offer trips to individuals, groups or corporate parties beginning May 25, 2011 through September 2011.
AMERICA is a replica of the 139-foot yacht that won the Royal Yacht Squadron's "100 Guinea Cup" race around the Isle of Wight held in 1851. The replica was built in 1995 at a cost of more than $6 million. It now serves as a sailing vessel for entertainment and hospitality events, private charters and individual sails for up to 80 people, and will be operational in San Francisco through September 2011 before it returns to San Diego.
USA 76 is an 85 foot International America's Cup Class yacht previously owned and raced by the ORACLE Racing Team in their challenge for the 2003 America's Cup held in Auckland, New Zealand.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 17 - 8:00 - 8"30 am.
WHERE: Boats will sail under Golden Gate Bridge and along Cityfront to PIER 39
TICKETS: USA 76 and yacht America are operated by Troy Sears. To make reservations and purchase tickets for USA 76 or yacht AMERICA, call 1 - 855 - ACSF 2013 (855 - 227 - 3201)
CONTACT: Beth Schnitzer, SPRITZ, beth@spritzsf.com, cell: 917 - 287 - 7064
Labels: lifestyle
Labels: lifestyle
German TV in ‘Polish stereotype’ row
National stereotypes are up for debate once more after a German TV station ran a comedy sketch showing a beer-drinking Pole living in a dung-scattered sty with his pet goat Zubrowka.
The sketch, entitled Pole sucht Frau ('A Pole searches for a wife'), presents Marek, a cursing young Pole, who in the style of a reality TV program, attempts to entice a string of blonde German women to live with him in his muddy abode.
Marek, who sleeps on a bed of straw, shares his lunch of carrots with his beloved goat Zubrowka, but hopes to entice a German spouse.
The sketch, which takes its cue from the Dutch hit 'A Farmer Wants a Wife', was produced by a private German TV channel.
The part of the rustic Pole is played by comic Wojciech Oleszczak, originally from Slupsk, but resident in Germany for many years.
His character of an uncouth Pole has already garnered some success in Germany. In previous sketches, Marek notes than he has two brothers, one called pig and the other called donkey. However, the comedian insists that his intentions are constructive.
"I want to be an ambassador of Poland, using humour to unite the nations," he has said in the past.
Likewise, his manager holds that his character, Marek, is not a negative creation.
"Marek is not intended to offend Poles, because he is not a symbol of a Pole. He laughs at himself and the characters that he created."
However, whether Oleszczak's sketches tickle the humour of his fellow Poles is less certain. Indeed, the comedian has admitted to having had death threats in the past.
Thank you to Malgorzata for sending me this link.
details how history is distorted in order to render the Brute Polak stereotype
a canonical element of the worldview of any person socialized in the Western
world. While viewing the world through the prism of ethnic and religious
stereotypes has been thoroughly discredited when it comes to some ethnicities,
in the case of the Brute Polak stereotype, those who insist on its truth often
assume a mantle of moral authority. When they are confronted with their promulgation
of ugly stereotypes, they
assume an air of righteous indignation.
Some insist
that the Brute Polak stereotype is the provenance of only one ethnicity. Some
mistakenly "blame
the Jews." Scapegoating Jews is a moral, ethical, and strategic
failure. The Brute Polak stereotype can certainly be found in products produced
by Catholics; indeed, it can be found in some Poles' worldviews (more on that
in a later post).
Chapter Seven of "Bieganski"
mentions "Constantine's Sword," a very high profile, award-winning book
about anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism in the Catholic church. The book's
celebrity author, James Carroll, is a former Catholic priest.
Carroll uses Poland as his arch example of Catholic anti-Semitism when he
states that he would "remain at the foot of the cross at Auschwitz"
to tell the horrific tale of Catholic anti-Semitism. Carroll shamelessly
distorts Poland's history to make his exploitation of the Bieganski stereotype
Carroll's exploitation of the Bieganski
stereotype may have served this purpose: the really bad Catholics are the
Polish Catholics. Carroll is not Polish. Carroll can be seen as a good
In short: Bieganski can work for Catholics.
"In Spite of Darkness: A
Spiritual Encounter with Auschwitz" is a 2008 documentary directed by Christof
Wolf, SJ, a German, Catholic priest. It's made my Loyola Productions, a German, Catholic
production company.
It's a little-seen documentary. The international movie database
page for the movie lists no reviews nor discussions, which is unusual. The
Rotten Tomatoes page also lists no reviews.
Spite of Darkness" is a lovely film. It is entirely professionally produced:
lighting, sound, editing: all are excellent. The soundtrack is the lachrymose
string music, similar to the soundtrack of "Schindler's List," that
we've come to associate with cinematic treatments of the Holocaust. The music is
beautiful and appropriate. The only problem with it is that it has become the
soundtrack of the Holocaust – we are too used to it, and it may lull us into
not thinking, seeing, and feeling afresh.
"In Spite
of Darkness" consists largely of interviews with five people who attended
a spiritual retreat at Auschwitz. One is an older German woman, the
granddaughter of a Nazi. Another is an older Jewish-American woman, the
daughter of a Jewish survivor; she frankly reports that her survivor father was
abusive. One is thirty-something Israeli rabbi. He rejects the "ownership"
of suffering promulgated by groups like MOL. He reports having a conversation
with a Jewish person saying that she didn't want to hear about any suffering of
anyone on "the other side" because that might make her feel
compassion for non-Jews. One participant is a gray-haired Catholic priest from
Dorchester. One participant, a "Zen Peace Maker" and Buddhist-inspired
believer in reincarnation, implied that it is possible that people at Auschwitz
suffered as part of a karmic payback. (I wanted to reach through the screen and
forcibly re-educate him.) This participant was supercilious in the literal
sense of the word – his eyebrows remained high above his eyes in a facial
expression that struck me as the facial expression of one who was trying not to
feel the full horror of what he was confronting.
this movie was so lovely, so carefully crafted, so high-minded, and made by a
priest, no less, because everyone involved very obviously wanted to be part of
making the world a better place, I very much wanted to like it.
The documentary effectively communicated that:
Only Jews suffered at Auschwitz;
was an extension of previous centuries' gentile persecution of Jews. The Scientific
Racism that targeted handicapped Germans, Polish Catholic priests,
homosexuals, and others, is not mentioned;
Poland is the
country where Auschwitz is located. The film was sure to open in Krakow's stary
miasto or old town square, to focus on the Sukiennice, a distinctive Krakow
icon, and to show a Polish carriage driver with his horse;
Krakow's Sukiennice. When making a documentary about the Holocaust, be sure to include shots of this Polish cultural icon. And be sure not to mention Scientific Racism.
Pope John Paul II cared about Polish Jewish relations out of a sense of
Catholic guilt.
Twenty-eight minutes into the film, the
Catholic priest from Dorchester mentions "there were Polish intelligentsia,
gypsies, and gay people" in Auschwitz. This throwaway comment, this one,
single, reference to Polish Auschwitz victims, reduces Poles to the notorious
phrase "and others." Terese Pencak Schwartz mentions this phrase in
her "Forgotten Holocaust" website.
"In Spite of Darkness" declines to acknowledge the
realities of Poles
at Auschwitz.
For the first 18 months of its
existence, Auschwitz was dedicated to destroying Poles as Poles.
150,000 Poles were imprisoned at Auschwitz. Half died.
These included historical important individuals: Wladyslaw
Bartoszewski, Jan Mosdorf, Zofia Kossak Szczucka, Maximilian Kolbe, Edek
Galinski, Tadeusz Borowski and Witold Pilecki, to mention a few.
There's a reason why Polish suffering at Auschwitz has been
airbrushed out of this documentary. It's not random. It's part of a pattern. This
pattern is described in the book "Bieganski."
Yes, we must focus on Jewish victims. To fail to focus on Jewish
victims at Auschwitz distorts history unforgiveably. But so thoroughly to erase
and distort Polish victimization is more than offensive. It is strategic. It serves
to support the Brute Polak stereotype.
revisionism becomes more than strange forty minutes into the film. Marian
Kolodziej is introduced. The footage of Kolodziej, an Auschwitz survivor
and one of the most important artists of the twentieth century, is the most
moving portion of the film. This footage alone makes the film worth seeing.
The rabbi says "Marian and [his wife] Halina are shining,
radiating figures. They are living proof that one could suffer a lot and
transform suffering into compassion, beauty, art, and humor, and not be bitter
and complaining and thinking all the time that it's better to close up. Marion
and Halina are open."
The daughter of a survivor
says, "I love Marion and Halina. They are saints. His paintings are like
nightmares. Maybe that is what makes him so peaceful. That gets the horror out
of him. That was something my father could not do. His ability to not have any
anger is really remarkable to me. I love him."
I missed it – and maybe I did – please watch the film and correct me – the film
never mentions that Marian Kolodziej was a Polish Catholic. The words
"Polish" and "Catholic" are simply never spoken. A student
watching this film, and, indeed, students are among its intended audiences,
would have no way of knowing.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Tempat Makan Enak Di Bandung Tempat Wisata Kuliner Murah Di Kota Bandung Jawa Barat
0 comments Posted by ai at 11:49 PMwisata indonesia yang cocok untuk cari tempat makan enak dan murah yang ada di Bandung? Yuk kita telusuri kota kembang ini.
Labels: bandung, jawa barat
Labels: rickshaw
Labels: jawa tengah
Foto Nakal Syahrini | Foto Hot Syur Syahrini Beredar Di Internet - Selebritis Indonesia nan cantik ini tak henti-hentinya menjadi buah bibir masyarakat. Pose photo nakal Syahrini baru-baru ini beredar di dunia maya dan menjadi perbincangan hangat di internet. Mantan pasangat duet Anang tersebut merasa di rugikan dan tampaknya Syahrini tidak tinggal diam, Syahrini membawa masalah tersebut ke jalur humkum.
Labels: selebritis indonesia
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Martha Graham's impact on dance has been compared to that of Picasso's on painting, Stravinsky's on music, and Frank Lloyd Wright's, Founded in 1926 by dancer and choreographer Martha Graham, the Martha Graham Dance Company is the oldest and most celebrated contemporary dance company in
Labels: celebrity
Janusz Ławrynowicz is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Janusz Ławrynowicz and others you may know. Facebook umożliwia udostępnianie zawartośc
Labels: celebrity
Hotel Murah Kupang Daftar Penginapan Losmen Tarif Sewa Murah Kota Kupang NTT
0 comments Posted by ai at 10:29 AMDaftar Nama Hotel Penginapan Murah serta nomor telepon Di kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia :
Hotel Kristal
Alamat ada di Jl.Timor raya No. 59 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 825100
Hotel Sasando
Alamat ada di Jln. Kartini No. 1 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 833335
Hotel Silvia
Alamat ada di Jl. Soeharto No.51-53 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 822588
Hotel Astiti
Alamat ada di Jl. Sudirman No.146 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 821810
Hotel Cendana
Alamat ada di Jl. El Tari No.23 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 822622
Hotel Charvita
Alamat ada di Jl. W.J. Lalamentik No.30 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 821479
Hotel Anggrek
Alamat ada di Jl. Fatuleu No.2 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 833707
Hotel Ina Bo'i
Alamat ada di Jl. H.O.S.Cokrominoto No.1 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 821122
Hotel Dewata
Alamat ada di Jl. Tompelo No.17 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 821470
Hotel Laguna
Alamat ada di Jl. Gunung Kelimutu No.7 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 833559
Hotel Maya
Alamat ada di Jl. Sumatera No.31 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 822770
Hotel Pantai Timor
Alamat ada di Jl. Sumatera No.44 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 822757
Hotel Marina
Alamat ada di Jl. A.Yani No.79 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 822566
Hotel Susi
Alamat ada di Jl. Sumatera No.37 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 822172
Hotel Maliana
Alamat ada di Jl. Sumatera No.38 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 821879
Hotel Nusantara
Alamat ada di Jl. Timor Raya No.12 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 832434
Hotel Kelapa Lima Indah
Alamat ada di Jl. Timor Raya No.126 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 832680
Hotel Cahaya Bapa
Alamat ada di Jl. Herewila No. 24 Kupang
No Telp : (0380) 821094
Baca juga informasi budaya indonesia, wisata indonesia, Wisata Nusa Tenggara Timur, Budaya Nusa Tenggara Timur
Labels: hotel murah
Labels: selebritis indonesia
Foto Syur Mesra Jessica Iskandar Dengan Mantan Kekasihnya Alvalon Carpenter Beredar di Dunia Maya
0 comments Posted by ai at 9:49 AMFoto Syur Mesra Jessica Iskandar Dengan Mantan Kekasihnya Alvalon Carpenter Beredar di Dunia Maya - Sekecil apapun aksi seorang selebritis akan mudah menjadi berita dan jadi bahan perbincangan banyak orang. Seperti halnya selebritis Indonesia cantik Jessica Iskandar. Foto syur Artis cantik tersebut jadi perbincangan karena beredar di dunia maya.
Baca info lain seputar gosip selebritis Indonesia Video film Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2 Trailer Youtube Cerita Film Terbaru Indonesia "Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2" Mirip Kisah Video Ariel Peterpan , Gambar Foto Hot Seksi Topless Agni Pratistha Puteri Indonesia 2006 Beredar di Internet , Koleksi Foto Syur Syahrini Beredar Di Internet - Selebriti Syahrini Foto Berita dan Gossip
Labels: selebritis indonesia
Koleksi Foto Syur Syahrini Beredar Di Internet - Selebriti Syahrini Foto Berita dan Gossip
0 comments Posted by ai at 9:18 AMLabels: selebritis indonesia
Avid U.K. trail runner Robert Brown stands trial this week for murdering his wife with a claw hammer last October and burying her in his backyard. Sorry, I should correct that - although he admits to killing her with a hammer, he is pleading "not guilty" to murder. Not sure how that works, but there you go. I've always thought trail runners are do-it-yourself kind of people that make the most of nature, but YOWZA.
![]() |
(Robert Brown, photo courtesy of Daily Telegraph) |
Charlie Engle, Robert Brown...Ack! I'm turning into the gossip rag of trail running.
Labels: murder, press stories, robert brown
Well, Just Kiss the 4th Amendment Goodbye...........
The 4th amendment states:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
That's been the rule since this country was founded.
The Indiana Supreme Court just decided otherwise-
Court: No right to resist illegal cop entry into home
"INDIANAPOLIS | Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.
In a 3-2 decision, Justice Steven David writing for the court said if a police officer wants to enter a home for any reason or no reason at all, a homeowner cannot do anything to block the officer's entry."
Yeah. Go ahead and read the above quote again and let that sink in a bit.
And welcome to the new Police State, folks!
I saw this last night at Mayberry's place and his post title says it quite well - "Fire up the tar kettle".
Now I work with law enforcement all the time and have good friends who are cops so it's not like I have a hard-on for cops. Quite the opposite. EMS, ER folks and Cops work hand in hand and develop close personal relationships. We all look after each other because we know that each of us may need the others if we ever end up in a "Bad Shit" situation.
I have a lot more to say about this but I gotta go to work so I'll post more later.
Nothing good can come from this kinda shit, folks.
Gratuitous Picture for a Saturday Morning-
This is what crap rulings like this leads to.
Friday, May 13, 2011
San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee said his wife got rid of his Spiderman costume long ago, but the man who's never actually ran the Bay To Breakers by his own admission (Hey, he's honest - gotta like that), expressed his support for the 100th running of San Francisco's giant fitness event today.
As the video shows, it was all sunny smiles as Mayor Lee was joined by Bay To Breakers Race Director Angela Fang, a representative from San Francisco District Five Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi's Office, San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr and representatives from the Alamo Square Neighborhood Association that called for the reforms that have reshaped the Bay to Breakers for 2011.
Of all, the Mayor, Ms. Fang, and Lisa Zahner and Ben Allison of the Alamo Square Neighborhood Association were the most pleased with the day and the Bay To Breakers to come on this Sunday. Zahner and Allison said that while "there will always be issues" they were pleased to see that the changes they asked for were adopted.
And of those changes, Chief Suhr said there will be double the number of police officers this year compared to 2010, and informed that the sponsor dollars will be enough to pay for the cost of police services.
Angela Fang received a proclamation from Mayor Lee marking the 100th Anniversary of the Bay To Breakers and Mayor Lee took possession of a special race bib marked "!00."
Hotel Murah Lombok Penginapan Losmen Tarif Sewa Murah Terjangkau Di Lombok
0 comments Posted by ai at 9:54 PMLabels: hotel murah
Makanan Khas Aceh Nama Masakan Jajanan Kuliner Asli Dari Daerah Aceh
0 comments Posted by ai at 9:53 PMLabels: aceh, makanan khas indonesia
Labels: trend