You know the saying: "Who Dat?" gonna beat them Saints! It's a contagious saying, part question and part chant, that's fueled the emotions of New Orleans Saints fans as America approaches the kickoff for Super Bowl XLIV in Miami, Florida, pitting the Saints versus the Indianapolis Colts. But disturbing the Saints "Who Dat?" fire is the one "Who Dat?" who's taking the state's chant away from them, or so it thinks.
That's the National Football League.
The NFL claims that t-shirt makers don't have the right to print shirts with "Who Dat?" on them. For some reason, the NFL miraculously contends the saying is owned by the league. In an effort to protect what the NFL sees as its marketing property, it's issuing "cease-and-desist letters" which undoubtedly are scaring the hell out of the small business owners who get them.
To fight back, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is asking his attorney general to consider suing the NFL.
It's hard for this blogger to understand why the NFL thinks it's able to "own" a saying that was reportedly created at historically black Southern University. Is the NFL going to give marketing revenue from "Who Dat?" merchandise sales to Southern University?
Stay tuned.