Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Last Saturday, I had the good fortune of joining 190 runners for the newly re-launched Sierra Nevada Endurance Run Double Marathon in Granite Bay, CA. There was heat, dirt, and plenty of challenging terrain, and thanks to the fabulous work of Race Director Julie Fingar and her volunteers we all had a great time. I proved to myself I was ready for my target race in November by DNF’ing (more on that later) and enjoyed watching our fellow ultrarunners brave 100+ degree heat to spectacular performances.
The day started early as Jean Pommier and I carpooled together at 3am, soon finding out that we had subconsciously calculated the travel time to Cool, CA, not Granite Bay, CA, and arrived 90 minutes early. Thank God for Mel’s 24-hour Diner, who was happy to serve up some breakfast for us. Jean ate his toast and marveled at the social and economic absurdity of the American 24-hour diner, which much to his credit, was practically empty and necessitated the question of economic viability. I revealed far too much about my teenage tribulations by telling him we were in between the two 24-hour diner rush crowds – the 2am closing of the bars, and the 6am beginning of the hard labor workday. Ahem!
Volunteer Stan Jansen (Godfather of ultra Web sites) got us situated, and we were soon toeing the line at 6:30am on a perfectly clear morning. Last year’s winner Mark Lantz was here, as was speed demon Chikara Omine, Jean Pommier, Joe Palubeski (tackling the newly established 100k), Juliet Morgan (100k), Carson Teasley (tackling the new marathon distance), Karalee Morris (marathon), the ever-present Barbara Elia (52 miles), and a dozen others taking on their first marathon or ultra. The sun cracked over the horizon, and Julie sent us off to chase it.
Lantz, Chikara, and Pommier set a fast pace from the beginning, disappearing along the single track. I ran with Joe Palubeski, Pierre-Yves Couteau, and Sean Lang who were all making the best of the cool morning to keep a fast pace. The weather was supposed to hit 100 degrees by noon, so enjoy it while you can! My goal today was to just clock some miles and try to pick up the pace along the flat sections. As a side bet, I had hoped to beat Jason Reed who was close to me in the PA/USATF point series, although we were both battling it out for 2nd-4th much in thanks to the stellar seasons of Victor Ballesteros, Erik Skaden, and Grant Carboni.
The American River is beautiful this time of the day, as dark oak tree branches shade the golden grass and lush forest floor, and the warming sun battles with the cool river breeze. Pelicans and hawks stretched for their morning hunt, and jumping fish dimpled the calm, reflective river. There was so much nature going on, we frequently stopped conversations and just pointed, soon forgetting what we were just talking about. It’s a truly magical place and it was a privilege to share the morning together.
The aid stations at Twin Rocks (3.7 miles), Horseshoe (9.5), and Rattlesnake Bar (11.4) took us by surprise, and their eager volunteers had us through in no time. I picked up the pace a bit after Rattlesnake, hoping to catch up to Joe before we got to the big climb. My eagerness got the best of me, and I soon caught a toe and bounced down through a rocky technical section. Drat! As I gathered my senses I realized it was less than a quarter mile from the spot I face-planted at AR50 this year! The local trail troll is out to get me for sure.
I was bleeding and dirty, but nothing too bad. The hot sun felt like it burned right into my raw skin, so I spread some sunscreen into the wounds on my elbow, shoulder, legs, and hip (next invention – Neosporin with SPF45!). The adrenalin was like a double-espresso to my system, and I quickly caught up and passed two more runners. Sometimes I wonder if I crash on purpose just to get that surge of energy!
I reached the bottom of Cardiac Hill, but didn’t see a course marking that made sense. Up the road to the right was the AR50 route, and I seem to remember from the 2007 SNER that it didn’t go that way. But up to the left was steep and I didn’t see any course markings at the first fork in the trail. I decided to hang back and see what the other runners said. One, two, three of us grouped up before one of the marathoner Mats Jansson said “screw it, I’m going this way”. Turns out he was right, as evidenced by Bob the volunteer coming down the trail and saying that course markings had been vandalized. Bob was kind enough to lead the way up so we didn’t get lost.
As we climbed, I noticed my left foot was swelling so I did my best to keep off it. Pierre-Yves Couteau caught up to me and we passed the time chatting about the similar up’s and down’s of trail ultras and careers in the mobile phone industry. Like so many people I meet at ultras, he spoke of both with a contagious sense of adventure and optimism. I wonder, is it ultras that attract these eternal optimists, or do people become optimistic from running ultras? Not that it matters. It’s just fun to have a new best friend at every mile marker, and excuse to share some conversation to pass the miles.
Mark Lantz had dropped at the Dam Overlook, and let me know that Chikara had accidentally gone up the AR50 route (he did get 3rd place this year, so perhaps it was instinct) and lost 10 minutes to turn around and go back. Jean Pommier was leading the race at this point, but Chikara was in hot pursuit. I cleaned up my wounds at the aid station, and Mark encouraged me to keep running and push as many fluids as possible.
I understood Mark’s advice as the heat finally hit us on the four mile descent to No Hands Bridge (mile 26.2). Despite having two full water bottles, I felt the need to nurse every drop. The sun left no shadows, only scars in the trail from its relentless heat. On a steep climb, I did inventory – legs good, stomach good, electrolytes good, but I was favoring my left foot more than I would have liked. I stopped and loosened my shoe up, and the swelling filled up as much shoe as it could muster. There was no pain, however, so I wasn’t sure if the swelling was due to injury or heat. I ran cautiously.
As I jogged down to the bridge, I surprised myself by contemplating whether to drop at No Hands. I had only dropped from a race once before (Quicksilver in 2008, which was an obvious decision), and I’m usually the type to just grin and bear it and see what kind of adventure lies ahead. I mean, it’s an ultra so it’s always going to be painful, right? And I certainly wasn’t in that much pain. But November 7th was a “goal race” marathon, and I winced at the possibility of losing the last precious month of training to a sprained ankle that I ran on 30 miles more than necessary. Is my 40-year-old body now erring on the conservative side? Or am I displaying maturity by staying focused on the goal race? Perhaps I’m finally mature enough to avoid another seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time story? Or do I have a severe case of wimpatitus? I closed my eyes and ran, looking inward for inspiration. At the turnaround, I thanked the volunteers and let Tim Twietmeyer know I was done for the day.
It’s so bizarre to drop from a race when you still feel good. Heck, it was only 10:30am! I cheered in the finishing marathoners, had some ice cream, and gave Jason Reed the thumbs up as he turned around and braved the ever-rising heat. By noon I was showered and resting at the finish line, feeling fresh from a Monsters of Massage rub down, and letting the volunteer crew spray “Nu Skin” over any spot of red they could find.
By the time Chikara Omine staggered in for the win (8:15:50), it was easily over 100 degrees. He quickly made his way into the air conditioned gymnasium, soon followed by Jean Pommier (8:17:40), and first woman Lia Farley (8:21:30). It took a good 30 minutes for each of them to get their core temperature back to normal, similar to the remaining finishers. Joe Palubeski (10:28:03) and Juliet Morgan (13:02:38, 4th overall) won the 100k, and Gerell Elliott (3:44:01) and Karalee Morris (3:55:20, 5th overall) cleaned up in the marathon. All of them were super-tough on a hot day! [results]
Although I was proud of myself for making the wise choice to save for the big race, it never quite resolved in my head. That voice that tells me to quit mile after mile wasn’t quite sure what to do now that it finally got its wish! Still, it was a great day out on the trails mixing with Mother Nature, catching up with friends, and watching some amazing athletic performances. I will be back again for sure.
- SD
Labels: 50m, ultramarathon
21-year-old Killian Jornet set a new record for circumventing the 165-mile Tahoe Rim Trail this weekend, finishing in 38 hours and 32 minutes. This bested Tim Twietmeyer's 2005 record by over 7 hours. Press release below...
Kilian Jornet Shatters Tahoe Rim Trail Record
Tahoe City, California, September 29, 2009 – Just after dusk tonight, heralded by a squadron of pacers and mountain bikers, trail running sensation Kilian Jornet ran into Tahoe City, completing a stunning circumnavigation of the 165-mile Tahoe Rim Trail in 38 hours, 32 minutes.
Jornet, the two-time defending champion of the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc, had come to North America for the first time to challenge Tim Twietmeyer’s estimable 1995 record of 45 hours, 58 minutes.
Making the record all the more noteworthy is Kilian’s youth: he is just 21 years old, and immediately after the run, he said, “I feel great, but I feel better now that I can stop running.”
The journey wasn’t without difficulty; he took a nearly two-hour nap Monday night, and he and pacer Sean Meissner got lost at 2:30 in the morning. “We went a good two and half miles off track, and I was absolutely horrified,” said Meissner, who won the Tahoe Marathon just two days before beginning his pacing duties. “But he didn’t even blink. He just grabbed me by the shoulders, laughed and said, ‘More kilometers, more fun, Sean!’”
According to Kilian, the most difficult part of the endeavor was near the end: the last six kilometers from Echo Lake to Barker Pass, “The trail was just more difficult than I had imagined,” he noted.
Mark Kimbrough, the executive director of the Tahoe Rim Trail Association (TRTA), not only presented Kilian with a framed special edition of the Association’s TRT completion certificate, but also mustered the sort of quiet, unheralded support that made the journey a special one. TRTA members, in small groups or often alone, provided extraordinary and vocal support at some of the loneliest spots on the course.
The Tahoe Rim Trail run is part of Kilian’s Quest, a globe-spanning journey of personal trail running expression supported by Salomon. His earlier Quest attempt, on the notoriously difficult GR20 trail traverse of Corsica, resulted in similar results: he pulverized the record for the 120-mile trail with a time of 32 hours, 52 minutes.
Kilian’s journey along the Tahoe Rim Trail took him through a 165-mile (266km) loop wrapped around the largest alpine lake in North America. The trail is comprised mostly of multiuse single-track, connecting the peaks along the ridge tops of the Lake Tahoe Basin. Passing through California and Nevada, the trail ranges in elevation from 6,240 feet to 10,338, with a total elevation gain of over 21,000 feet.
Jean-Yves Couput, Director of Marketing for Salomon USA, said “Kilian’s goal is to inspire people to experience the joy of the trails and the great outdoors -- and in the process he is reinventing the sport of trail running.”
Readers and bloggers can follow Kilian’s Quest through his Face book page, (facebook.com/salomonrunning), via Twitter (twitter.com/salomon_running) or on his blog (salomonrunning.com).
Labels: lake tahoe, tahoe rim trail, ultrarunning
Am I Too Old For a Career Change?????
Probably, but I could use the cash about now.
Off to work to do battle with the Zombie Hordes in the ER.
H/T- BuzzFeed
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
More at Zennie62.com | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! | Visit YouTube | Visit UShow.com
Short on money? Trying to figure out how to make it in New York or San Francisco after having just lost your job? Want to find the best pizza slice for cheap? That's where Broke Ass Stuart comes in. I met him a while back when he was just getting his business going and now its become something of a small success, and he a micro-celebrity. But one thing's clear..
He's got a great idea.
"Who are we?" He asks. Then Stuart provides this manifesto:
We write for busboys, poets, social workers, students, artists, musicians, magicians, mathematicians, maniacs, yodelers and everyone else out there who wants to enjoy life not as a rich person, but as a real person. Namely, we write for you.
The website is geared toward living the cheap life. It has tips on everything from shopping to dating. For example, Stuart's section on "sex and dating" has the quirky perspective of a set of writers who've seen one too many off-the-wall dates.
There's "What Your Girl’s Male Celebrity Crushes Say About Them", next to What Your Dude’s Female Celebrity Crushes Say About Them, and both by Anna G, since no male Broke Ass writer has bothered (or is it dared) to take on the task of speaking up for the men of the Bay Area.
Then we have "Dating and Life Lessons from Mad Men’s Peggy Olson" and creatively presented by (again) AnnaG, who instructs women to...
Sleep with someone younger just for shits & giggles
Though you don’t have to act like an Ann Margaret-25-year-old-acting-like-a-14-year-old to do it, but generally, more often than not, it’s a totally fantastic idea to go to a bar, pick up a younger, hot dude and have a one-night stand on your own terms. Mention that you work on Madison Avenue if he wants to find you.
As you can see this is almost all in fun. The San Francisco section of the website lists events you can attend for free, or for a wee fee where noted.
Finally Stuart, who calls himself "The Editor in Cheap" features the "Broke Ass Of The Week", featuring Jesika Gorton as this week's winner. Who knows? Next week it could be you -- if we avoid the Tsunami. (Well, you, not me. I'm in Georgia.)
In all, "Broke Ass Stuart's goddamn website" is a fun take with some really good ideas for things-to-do roped in.
Labels: broke ass stuart, san francisco
From the, "Because Someone Has to Do It" Files .......
INTELLIGENCE chief Sir John Scarlett has been told that Saudi Arabia is ready to allow Israel to bomb Iran’s new nuclear site.
"The site is seen as a major threat by Tel Aviv and Riyadh. Details of the talks emerged after John Bolton, America’s former UN ambassador, told a meeting of intelligence analysts that “Riyadh certainly approves” of Israel’s use of Saudi airspace."
The American President ain't gonna be any help here Kids. But These, Not So Little Gems would certainly make this job a little easier. Major New Bunker Busters. Wow.
Gratuitous Afternoon Picture-
Go ahead and laugh. How many books have you had published, Scooter?
This Shit is Interesting .......
Confusing, but interesting.
Doug Ross had this post last night and it brought back one of the questions I've had for a long time. WTF happened to the APB for the "Other Bombers" that were all over the news during the first day or so after the OKC bombing?
The recent release of security video from that day by the FBI just seems to add more questions. Somethings wrong with this shit.
Following the links at Doug Ross to Bob McCarty's site just confuses things further. There's 3 parts and they're not long so read them.
This doesn't help either. I'd heard of Jayna Davis' book a long time ago and had forgotten about it. I'm gonna have to get a copy now.
Very interesting all in all and something ya gotta wonder about.
Gratuitous Picture for a Tuesday-
Kebub Raya Bogor:
Tempat wisata ini ada di Bogor. Kebun Raya Bogor adalah sebuah kebun yang sekaligus merupakan tempat penelitian terletak di Kota Bogor, Indonesia. Dengan Luasnya mencapai 80 hektar dan memiliki 15.000 jenis koleksi pohon dan tumbuhan. Tempat wisata ini sangat ramai terutama saat hari libur dan hari hari besar. Di sekitar Kebun Raya Bogor tersebar pusat-pusat keilmuan yaitu Herbarium Bogoriense, Museum Zoologi.
Pantai Palabuhanratu.
Pantai Pelabuhan Ratu adalah sebuah tempat wisata yang terletak di pesisir Samudra Hindia di sebelah selatan Jawa Barat. tempat lokasinya Lokasinya terletak sekitar 60 km ke arah selatan dari Kota Sukabumi.
Pantai ini sudah sangat terkenal dan dikenal memiliki ombak yang sangat kuat dan karena itu berbahaya bagi perenang pantai. Sebagai tempat wisata yang mempunyai daya tarik sendiri, sampai sampai Presiden pertama RI yaitu Presiden Soekarno mendirikan sebuah tempat peristirahatannya pada tahun 1960 di Tenjo Resmi.
Taman Wisata Mekar Sari
tempat wisata Taman Wisata Mekarsari adalah salah satu pusat pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati buah-buahan tropika terbesar yang ada di dunia, khususnya adalah jenis buah-buahan unggul yang dikumpulkan dari seluruh daerah di Indonesia, tempat wisata ini juga sekaligus sebagai tempat penelitian budidaya (agronomi), pemuliaan (breeding) dan perbanyakan bibit unggul untuk kemudian disebarluaskan kepada petani dan masyarakat umum.
Tempat lokasi Taman wisata ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Cileungsi, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Untuk menuju ke tempat lokasi wisata ini bisa dicapai dengan angkutan umum dari Jakarta, Bogor maupun Bekasi, jurusan yang menuju ke Jonggol.
Baca juga tempat wisata menarik lainnya:
Kenali dan kunjungi obyek wisata di Pandeglang
Wisata Indonesia
Cara membuat agar kode html bisa tampil di artikel postingan blog
0 comments Posted by ai at 6:58 AMBagi saya yang masih pemula ternyata menampilkan kode html muncul di tulisan blog ternyata cukup rumit karena harus sedikit memahami tentang kode kode yang bikin pusing seribu keliling. Padahal kita ingin buat postingan tentang cara pasang meta tag di blog. Sudah berulang kali di coba eeehh kode html yang saya tulis ternyata ga muncul dan hilang saat artikel blog saya publis, tapi bukan blogger sejati namanya he he he ....kalau kita tidak berusaha bagaimana cara membuat kode html muncul di artikel postingan.
Ada beberapa cara yang bisa di lakukan agar kode html yang bikin pusing tersebut bisa nongol saat kita mempublish artikel kita.
Cara yang pertama dan bikin buang waktu adalah dengan belajar he he he....silahkan cari infonya di search engine dengan mengetikkan kaeywords "cara agar kode html muncul di postingan" lalu enter dan sim salabim sederetan informasi akan anda dapatkan di hasil pencarian Anda.
Cara yang kedua adalah Ini hasil temuan saya yang sebenarnya tidak sengaja juga sih hi hi hi yaitu membuat artikel dan mengirimkannya melalui email. Tujuan emailnya tentu saja pada blog yang kita miliki. Namun terlebih dahulu kita harus setting dulu email blog yang kita punya. Setelah di setting di mana blog yang kita punya sudah ber email baru kita buat artikel yang mengandung karekter kode html lewat email lalu kirim dan jadi deeh artikel yang ada kode htmlnya. Lihat contohnya di sini Dijamin ga pusing dan sangat mudah. Selamat mencoba.....
Baca juga tulisan yang ini:
Cara agar website blog search engine friendly
Cara meningkatkan Google Page Rank/ PR
Membuat Artikel Blog mudah terindex search engine
Blog yang di sukai Search engine
Cara buat dan pasang meta tag di tiap postingan blog
Tips ikut bisnis adsense bagi yang tidak menguasai bahasa inggris
Mencari uang di internet
Cara menjadi The Masters Indonesia
Blog gratis untuk cari uang gratis
Cara meningkatkan ranking website dan blog
harga keywords bisnis adsense
Komponen meta tag dalam sebuah website atau blog merupakan hal yang cukup penting, bahkan mungkin sangat penting karena dapat berfungsi sebagai alat untuk memudahkan search engine mengindex suatu blog. Dengan memasang meta tag biasanya blog akan mudah di index oleh search engine. Biasanya pemasangan meta tag tersebut di pasang pada halaman utama saja dan bukan pada tiap postingan.
Padahal jika di pasang pada tiap postingan artikel yang kita buat bisa lebih search engine friendly. Namun beberapa orang mungkin tidak setuju dengan pendapat ini. Jika Anda ingin pasang meta tag pada tiap postingan di blog Mungkin tulisan ini berguna buat Anda. Anda tidak harus pasang meta tag untuk seluruh artikel postingan blog Anda. Anda bisa pilih beberapa artikel yang ingin Anda optimalkan saja. Biasanya meta tag yang kita pasang pada kote html di bawah title mungkin seperti ini :
<meta content='DESKRIPSI BLOG ANDA' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORD BLOG ANDA, KEYWORD 1, KEYWORD 2,' name='keywords'/>
Kalau Anda ingin buat dan pasang meta tag di tiap postingan blog Berikut ini cara buatnya:
Anda tinggal menambahkan elemen ini di html Blog Anda :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<meta content='data:blog.pageTitle + ", Info Tentang Indonesia, Tempat dan obyek wisata di indonesia, belajar seo untuk blog, panduan cara dan tips blog dengan blogspot dan bisnis online adsense di internet "' name='description'/>
<meta content='data:blog.pageTitle + ", indonesia, blog, wisata, tempat wisata, obyek wisata, tips blog, bisnis, adsense, belajar seo, "' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "http://indonesia-liek.blogspot.com/2009/08/harga-keywords-untuk-bisnis-adsense.html"'> <meta content='Ingin tahu harga keywords dari bisnis Adsense yang Anda tekuni saat ini ? .' name='description'/>
<meta content='harga keyword untuk bisnis adsense' name='keywords'/>
Selamat mencoba semoga bermanfaat. Pilih artikel atau postingan blog Sobat yang ingin Anda optimalkan....
Baca juga artikel yang lainnya:
Cara agar website blog search engine friendly
Cara meningkatkan Google Page Rank/ PR
Membuat Artikel Blog mudah terindex search engine
Blog yang di sukai Search engine
Tips ikut bisnis adsense bagi yang tidak menguasai bahasa inggris
Cara meningkatkan ranking website dan blog
Monday, September 28, 2009
Congrats to fellow bloggers Sean Meissner (2:58) and Gretchen Brugman (3:34) for winning the super-hot Lake Tahoe Marathon yesterday! Woo-hoo!
Labels: lake tahoe
Winner of the - "Most Likely to Die in Prison" Award .....
Was a young kid who came in via EMS last night. Call went out for, "Suspected Overdose".
Not true. The boy was right where he wanted to be. High as a kite, but in no danger.
15 or 16 y/o with tattoos all over him already.
The kid has a long history of dumb shit and just got out of Juvenile Jail a few days ago.
This is not the first time I've seen him in our ER. I'm sure it won't be the last.
Sometimes you just look at these kids and you just know there's really no hope for them.
Don't know if it's bad seed, the wiring in their heads is crossed up, evil or what it is.
But whatever it is it's easier to see in some than others.
This kid? He's got, "Statistic" written all over him and may not even make it to prison.
What a waste.
Gratuitous Picture for a Monday Morning-
Friday, September 25, 2009
Seperti halnya manusia ternyata search engine pun mempunyai sifat suka dan tidak suka terhadap situs situs yang berhak masuk dalam daftar pencarian search engine. Dalam tips untuk blog pemula ini Indonesia blog akan coba membahas tentang kriteria kriteria agar blog blog yang kita punya ini di Cintai oleh mesin pencarai atau search engine. Mungkin informasi ini tidak 100 % mewakili atau dengan kata lain ada yang setuju atau tidak setuju dan ada yang suka atau tidak suka karena semaua tergantung pada kemampuan seseorang. Karena di sini juga saya sedang belajar ngeblog dan belajar seo juga tentunya berikut ini adalah inormasi yang bisa saya simpulkan :
1. Yang pertama tentu saja blog yang kita buat harus terdaftar dulu di search engine baik itu serach engine google , yahoo atau search search engine lainnya. Istilahnya tak kenal maka tak sayang. Kita juga harus mendaftarkan dulu blog kita untuk kita kenalkan pada search engine.
2. Seluruh konten, isi atau informasi yang ada di blog kita harus orisinil, alias asli dan uniq atau berbeda dan bukan hasil dari kopi paste. Walalupun kopi paste bisa juga terindex oleh search engine tapi tak akan lama. Yang asli tetaplah yang terbaik.
3. Blog mengandung susunan teks yang jelas , tidak menggunakan ukuran huruf yang terlalu kecil, Dalam pembuatan links sebaiknya juga memakai teks sebagai links dan bukan gambar. Pada Setiap halaman akan lebih baik jika dapat dicapai dengan satu buah teks link statik.
4. Buatlah blog Anda Memiliki site map atau peta website / Blog yang berfungsi untuk memudahkan pengunjung blog Anda, idealnya setipa site map tidak lebih dari 100 links isinya. Jika lebih dari itu kita bisa pisahkan kedalam halaman yang lain.
5. Secara keseluruhan konten yang ada dalam blog Anda harus menggambarkan isi dari blog yang Anda buat, berisi informasi yang berguna, padat dan isinya jelas.
6. Jangan ada links yang patah atau broken links yaitu tidak menghubungkan kehalaman manapun jika di klik.
7. Mengandung kata kunci yang secara keseluruhan menggambarkan Blog Anda
8. Blog Anda sering di kunjungi oleh orang lain
9. Blog kita banyak yang memberi backlink.
10. Hindari membuat artikel yang terlalu sering memberi links keluar seperti terlalu sering mengupas masalah program afiliasi.
11. Jangan Menampilkan isi yang berbeda antara kesearch engine dengan informasi yang sebenarnya.
12. Hindari blog yang menggunakan tool untuk meningkatkan posisi ranking di search engine.
Artikel yang terkait baca disini:
Cara agar website blog search engine friendly
Cara meningkatkan Google Page Rank/ PR
Membuat Artikel Blog mudah terindex search engine
Cara meningkatkan ranking website dan blog
Labels: blog, index, search engine
Disini Wisata Indonesia akan mengajak Anda yang suka traveling untuk mengenal tempat wisata dan obyek wisata yang ada di Jawa Tengah. Jawa tengah merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki obyek wisata yang sangat menarik dan sudah sangat terkenal.
Obyek wisata di Jawa Tengah juga masuk dalam kategori wisata unggulan di Indonesia, banyak sekali tempat wisata yang bisa jadi pilihan untuk tujuan liburan Anda. Baik itu obyek wisata alam, wisata sejarah, wisata budaya, wisata kuliner dan aneka ragam obyek wisata menarik lainnya.
Borobudur sendiri adalah nama sebuah candi Buddha yang terletak di Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. tempat lokasinya kurang lebih 100 km di sebelah barat daya Semarang dan 40 km di sebelah barat laut Yogyakarta. Candi ini didirikan oleh para penganut agama Buddha Mahayana sekitar tahun 800-an Masehi pada masa pemerintahan wangsa Syailendra.

Beberapa obyek wisata lain yang ada didaerag ini adalah :
* Telaga: Telaga Warna, sebuah telaga yang sangat unik yang kadang memunculkan nuansa warna merah, hijau, biru, putih, dan lembayung, Telaga Pengilon, Telaga Merdada.
* Kawah: kawah yang sangat terkenal di sinis adalah Kawah Candradimuka.
* Beberapa candi-candi Hindu yang antara lain: Candi Gatotkaca, Candi Bima, Candi Arjuna, Candi Semar, Candi Sembadra, Candi Srikandi, Candi Setyaki, Gangsiran Aswatama, dan Candi Dwarawati.
*Ada juga beberapa Gua yaitu : Gua Semar, Gua Jaran, Gua Sumur. Terletak di antara Telaga Warna dan Telaga Pengilon.
* Sumur Jalatunda.
* Dieng Volcanic Theater, disini anda bisa melihat fil dokumenter tentang kegunungapian di Dieng.
Labels: jawa tengah, wisata indonesia, wisata jawa tengah
Teachable Moment ....
Ace has the story of how a young chowderhead learns a lesson of respect for well ....... a lot of things.
Flag burner pilloried in Valley Falls
"VALLEY FALLS -- Some veterans in this community resorted to some medieval punishment after a village man burned the American flag on a pole in front of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post.
The young man, whose name was not released, was duct taped to the pole by veterans for about six hours last Sunday with a sign around his neck accusing him of being a flag burner."
It's a pretty cool story. My favorite part is that it seems they gave him a few "Options".
Go Read it all. Or read This version from the VFW site
And consider this part -
"He adds the man learned his lesson, and with that lesson learned, Normile now wants to protect the man from any violent retaliation."
Pretty classy.
Gratuitous Picture for a Friday Night-
Lesson? Stay behind your cover.
Tujuannya tak lain adalah agar blog yang kita kelola bisa selalu muncul di hasil pencarian search engine. Semakin banyak artikel kita yang terindek oleh search engine apalagi jika search engine friendly tentu akan sangat baik dampaknya buat blog kita. Sehingga kemungkinan orang mengunjungi blog kita akan semakin besar. Sangat menyedihkan jika kita punya blog yang tujuan saat buat blog adalah berbagi informasi kepada orang lain tapi blog kita tak ada yang mengunjungi. Contohnya adalah Blog yang sedang Anda baca ini pun trafiknya masih sangat menyedihkan sekali.
Tapi ga apa apa karena semua blog pasti pernah mengalaminya yaitu sepi pengunjung. Tapi dengan semakin banyaknya konten dan mau belajar dan belajar terutama tentang tehnik seo mudah mudahan blog ini nantinya bisa memiliki trafik yang bagus. Setelah cari informasi tentang tehnik seo ada beberapa cara yang bisa kita lakukan bagimana caranya membuat artikel blog yang mudah terindek oleh search engine. Yaitu:
1. Blog atau website harus sudah terdaftar di search engine.
Ini adalah cara pertama yang harus dilakukan karena kebanyakan pengguana internet mencari info melalui serach engine, istilahnya memperkenalkan diri kepada yang punya....yaitu search engine. Rangkaian dari mendaftarkan blog kita ke search engine adalah melakukan verifikasi dan meletakkan kode verifikasi tersebut ke halaman html blog.
2. Membuat Site Map
Setelah melakukan verifikasi kita bisa sekalian pasang sitemap. Biasanya untuk blogspot formatnya adalah domainanda.blogspot.com/rss.xml atau domainanda.blogspot.com/atom.xml
Sitemap sangat penting bagi sebuah blog atau web karena merupakan peta dari blog yang kita punya dan bisa membuat artikel artikel yang kita buat bisa mudah terindek oleh search engine
3. Pasang metatag
Metatag yang paling utama adalah metatag description dan keywords. Metatag description berfungsi sebagai penjelasan bahwa blog yang kita miliki tersebut infonya tentang apa, atau berkategori apa. Sedangkan metatag keywords berguna pada pencarian di search engine yang akan menghubungkan ke situs kita. Apabila keywods yang digunakan oleh orang yang sedang mencari info melalui search engine sesuai dengan keywords blog yang kita punya maka blog kita bisa muncul pada hasil pencarian di search engine. Sebaiknya pilih keywords yang paling sering dipakai orang saat sedang mencari info melalui search engine.
4. Membuat artikel atau postingan yang relevan atau berhubungan dengan judul blog
Semakin fokus kita membuat artikel yang selalu berhubungan dengan judul blog maka artikel yang kita buat bisa lebih mudah terindek oleh search engine. Disamping itu setiap membuat artikel usahakan pada kalimat awal juga mengambil kata dari judul artikel yang akan kita di buat. Contohnya misal saya mau buat judul artikel:
Cara menjadi the master indonesia
Isi baris pertama pada artikel tersebut bisa seperti :
Cara termudah buat Anda yang ingin menjadi the master Indonesia.......bla bla bla.....
Karena kalau anda lihat pada hasil pencarian search engine biasanya hanya terdiri 1 hingga 3 baris saja. Supaya lebih maksimal dan bisa mendorong orang lain untuk mengunjungi blog kita sebaiknya pada kalimat2 awal menggunakan bahasa yang menarik dan bersifat promosional sehingga bisa menarik minat orang lain untuk mengunjungi blog yang kita punya.
5. Memberikan tag pada tiap artikel
blogspot menyediakan fasilitas untuk tag pada tiap tiap artikel pada saat kita sedang membuat artikel. Tag ini berfungsi sebagi semacam label atau kategori atau kata kunci dan memungkinkan kita membuat tag lebih dari satu pada tipa postingan.
6. Melakukan promosi
Kita bisa melakukan promosi pada situs situs iklan misalnya
7. Melakukan ping situs
8. Mencari dukungan links atau backlinks pada situs website atau blog lain
9. Ada yang mau tambahin silahkan beri komen dan mencantumkan linknya ya....
Artikel terkait bisa baca postingan di bawah ini:
Cara agar website blog search engine friendly
Cara meningkatkan Google Page Rank/ PR
Cara meningkatkan ranking website dan blog
Labels: index, search engine, tips blog
I Find This Funny .....
Shit my Dad says
Some Kid just quotes his Old Man. Who has words of wisdom like this-
"Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fucked you."
Perfect. I approve.
Friday Afternoon Picture-
OK, Students ......
Go read the quiz and the followup and see how this squares with the news being reported out there.
H/T -Roger
More Gratuitous Pictures for a Friday-
Happy Progressive Leftists out for a stroll on a nice Fall day.
Don't get bent out of shape about it though.
Cool Historical News About Monopoly ....
This is neat.
Silk Escape Maps Concealed in Game Boards Helped WWII Prisoners
"It's a story that will forever change the way you think of the phrase, "Get Out of Jail Free."
During World War II, as the number of British airmen held hostage behind enemy lines escalated, the country's secret service enlisted an unlikely partner in the ongoing war effort: The board game Monopoly.
It was the perfect accomplice."
Amazing story.
Gratuitous Picture for a Friday-
Thursday, September 24, 2009
WTF?? Seriously, WTF ????
The Obama Administration plans to give $400,000 in funding to a Libyan charity run by the Gadhafi family, and U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) wants the grant withdrawn
"Kirk says the grants should be withdrawn in light of the recent return to Libya of Pan Am Flight 103 bomber Abdel Baset Megrahi. The terminally ill prisoner was released from in Scotland on compassionate grounds, and got a hero's welcome from Muammar Gadhafi and other Libyans upon his return."
He's right they should be withdrawn, but whose bright idea was it to give $400 Grand to the friggin Libyans in the first place?
Somebody needs a swift kick in the groin for this.
Afternoon Picture-
Octoberfest Beer Wenches-
Got M-1 Garand ?????
Me neither. That's always been my, "If I had a lot of money" dream rifle.
Looks like a bunch are coming back from South Korea
"A total of 86,000 M1 rifles will be sold, and another 22,000 carbines -"
I still don't have a lot of money so it ain't gonna help me any. Bummer.
Feel free to add that to the Christmas list for me!
Gratuitous Picture for a Thursday-
Saw this at Doug Ross this morning
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Here's an article about Andy Jones-Wilkins "unassailable" record of three top 10 finishes at Leadville, Western States, and Hardrock. The "triple crown"! Is this true that nobody has completed three top 10 finishes in these races in one year? Amazing performances by AJW this year, nonetheless.
Also note that Fidel Diaz and Maria Natera-Armenta, the two missing ultra runners in SoCal, have been found after going without water or food for three days. [Note - the article talks about the first runner found, and the second one was found by helicopter a few hours later] Don't forget to carry a map, people!
This is Just Nutz ......
ER nurse sues cop for handcuffing her during dispute over drawing suspect's blood
"A head emergency room nurse at Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital has sued the city and a Chicago Police officer for handcuffing her and putting her in the back of a squad car during a dispute over drawing blood from a suspected drunken driver".
Hard for me to imagine this happening.
There is a very tight relationship between ER, EMS and Law Officers. We all have to work together and we count on each other for back up when the shit goes bad.
I can guarantee this wouldn't happen in a small town like I live in. Cops know that we in the ER are the ones that will be there for them if something ever happens to them out on the street.
We know that when we need them they will be there for us.
It's all good as and it should be.
This AssMonkey better hope he doesn't get taken to that specific ER if he's ever in need of help.
And all because he had to exercise his authority.
What a shithead.
Gratuitous Picture-
How Can This Be??????
Russian maker of AK-47 faces bankruptcy
"THE Russian producer of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, the world's most ubiquitous firearm, is facing bankruptcy owing to falling orders."
I guess it could be that it's such a craptacular rifle that the darn thing is too reliable for it's own good. Who would've thought it?
I really suspect that it's George Bush's fault.
Or Racism.
Gratuitous Picture for a Wednesday-
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
KCSM funding problem - College of San Mateo President Michael Claire responds
0 comments Posted by ai at 3:13 PMYesterday I created a blog post informing readers of Richard Lieberman's blog post that KCSM jazz radio had budget problems such that it may close if it does not receive $800,000 by the end of the year.
In my post, I emphasized the word "may" and used it twice, and had three links to Richard's blog and promoted him as the news source.
Today, I received this email from Michael Claire, the President of The College of San Mateo:
In your most recent blog post you have reported that KCSM will go off air at the end of this month if it fails to raise $800K. While the San Mateo County Community College District and KCSM face major budget challenges, this statement is completely false. I am requesting that you retract this statement immediately. Both the college and the station are short-staffed and we do not have the time to respond to phone calls or emails that are inevitable as a result of this post. I do appreciate your efforts to raise awareness of the station’s budget difficulties and I know that your post was well-intentioned.
Again, as I reported in my email back to Mr. Claire, I did not use the term "will" but did use the word "may". The email from Mr. Claire does confirm that KCSM has budget problems.
Yes, we're all just trying to help get the word out so that the station can receive the help it needs. .
For Those of You .....
Racist Bastards who still don't get it.
This Guy has created a chart so you knuckle dragging haters will get the picture.
As always, click to embiggen the picture.
There. See how it works?
Does it make sense NOW why so many media folks and politicians are calling you racist?
And if you're interested in what the next phase of this hate campaign is gonna be like like, check out the reasoned discourse from this guy - The Next Civil War is About to Begin
"In fact, these mobs are composed of overlapping hate-driven sub-groups including extreme racists, irrational xenophobes, ignorant secessionists, insane anti-abortionists, KKK loyalists without their dunce-headed robes, gun-crazy militants, and moronic malcontents who are inspired by hate-mongers like Douche Limpbra, Shame Hannity, Mickey Mouse Savage, Anorexic Annie Coulter, Moronic Malkin, and, of course, Brain-damaged Beck. They're increasingly incited by the FOX Noise Liars Club and encouraged by the Greed Over People (GOP) party (since all of these miscreants like to call people they don't like by names other than their own, I decided a while back that they deserve the same treatment)".
This BS isn't really new, but since, Nancy Pelosi started her crying jag about her fears of violence last week, this kind of shit seems to be popping up all over.
So get ready for the next wave of hate.
And you might as well go buy ammo now because they seem intent on creating a self fulfilling prophesy.
Off to work, Kids.
Gratuitous Picture for a Tuesday Morning-
And keep your beer safe!
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Funny .....
Hat tip to Og of Neanderpundit
Gratuitous Picture for a Monday Night-
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The news that jazz station KCSM may - may - be on the brink of closure comes from Richard "Big Vinny" Lieberman's blog. Richard writes:
KCSM-FM; the last jazz station, (91.1 FM), in the Bay Area may well be off the air for good by the end of next month if it does not raise at least $800,000 before then.
The station is funded by the College of San Mateo, but because of state cutbacks, all funding-- about $1 million a year, has been cut. ...More
Visit Richard's blog for the rest of the story.
Labels: richard liberman
Major Monday Score ........
On Freecycle today. Freecycle is a pretty interesting group. Got something you don't need? Offer it up for free and give it to someone who can use it.
This was only the second time I've actually gotten anything from it, but it was cool.
Someone was redoing their garden and had a bunch of Asparagus roots. I got a BIG box of roots just for driving over there!
These are mature roots and will be ready to cut next year.
Now I have to go get an area prepped for planting them. To wet today, but we'll see later this week.
Sometimes you get lucky.
Gratuitous Picture for a Monday-
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Have you ever met someone and had that strange feeling that you had seen them naked at some point in the past? I'm just now connecting why I felt that when meeting 5k World Champion Lauren Fleshman at the XTerra National Championships last weekend. She was in the Nike Naked Running Camp video!
These runners are certainly are more toned than the Bare to Breakers runners. But aren't all naked runners beautiful in their own way?
Need a bit more naked in your day? Be sure to check out this world record attempt for "most naked people on a theme park ride". It really makes you wanna wipe your seat down the next time you get on a roller coaster.
Labels: naked runners, video
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday Night and All is Well.......
Just a quick apology for the lack of posts this week. Lots going on. Most of it is not bad if not all great.
Things will continue to be a bit slow for a few days as I work on some projects around "The GrumpyUnk Command and Control Bunker" so bear with me.
Oh, by the way, you're all still racists and potential terrorists.
Just in case you forgot.
Gratuitous Picture for a Friday Night-
In other news......
"You'll put out an eye
with those things!"
One more thing.
Check out Joe Friday and his partner here-
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Obyek atau tempat tempat wisata yang sangat terkenal di Banten adalah :
Pantai Anyer - Pantai Carita - Tanjung Lesung dan Pulau Umang.

Baca informasi tempat wisata lain :