Monday, September 7, 2009

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Lady GaGa, The Jonas Brothers and Gravy Boat are all in the business of music and part of my new series called "Music Monday" where we feature blogs and videos about local and national singers and groups.

Lady Gaga is the incredible pop pretty singer with infectious dance tunes like "Poker Face. The Jonas Brothers have become a World phenomenon. Now, I present to you Gravy Boat

Gravy Boat - which features Steve Gerard, Erik Frykman, Marc Ramsey and Don Frank - is based in Marin and plays in the San Francisco Bay Area. Now, my connection to this cover band is my friendship with Erik and his brother Lars, which goes back to when we were, oh, 14 years old.

Lars and Me: 1974 

Fast forward to August 2009, and I visited San Francisco's popular bar and restaurant La Barca to here Gravy Boat for the first time.  I also brought my camcorder, much to the surprise of Lars and Erik.  The result is an awesome moment captured in time.

Gravy Boat has been going strong for 15 years and specializes in top pop, rock, and R&B tunes like "I Wanna Rock and Roll", featured in the video.  They have an amaingly diverse song list, ranging from "Fire" by the Ohio Players, to "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol. 

What I enjoy about Gravy Boat, and I'm not writing this because Erik and Lars are my friends, is that they perform with an infectious energy.  Once they get going, there's no stopping them or the crowd.  I've got to give it to them, they're great entertainers.

About "Music Monday by Zennie62"

I got the idea for Music Monday from Twitter.  It's both a hastag (#musicmonday)and a account page where bands and singers are tweeted every Monday.  I got this hairbrained idea that bringing the concept to my blogs with pages designed to gain visibility could help small bands get noticed faster.  Gravy Boat is my first experiment.

If you are part of a band or know of one that should be featured here, send me a .mov file of the group or a YouTube link or if you're in the San Francisco Bay Area or the Atlanta Metro area let me know when and where you're performing and I'll visit with my camcorder, or make sure I have someone there.


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