Cheer Up................ Spring will be here soon.
Took a little ride on TheBigBluePlasticMotorcycle today and saw a huge black snake sunning himself out on the road. That's the first snake I've seen, so the ground must be warming up some.
Was just out in the garage having a smoke and damn if I didn't hear frogs croaking from the pond across the road! Another good sign.
Yep, Weather wise things are looking up. With all the rain we've gotten recently the annual flood waters are out and blocking a lot of roads and creating lakes that will be gone in a week or so. Had a couple of dry days but it started raining again a few minutes ago. Hopefully we won't get to much.
With all that rain my driveway is a damn Quicksand hazard and the mud everywhere at the compound will suck the damn boots off a ya.
That may be the only part of Spring I don't like - Mud.
I got a line on some metal roofing today for the much needed Woodshed. Cheap and maybe free. With what I have here it would be enough to make a nice sized shed. I've got all the framing material already that I scrounged 2nd hand from various places so even if I have to buy a bit of roofing it'll be a cheap build. Which is about the only way I can build anything. It's gotta be cheap or it ain't getting done.
A little music for ya. The New Riders of the Purple Sage-
And a Stray Cats song I don't remember hearing before-