Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Quick Tuesday .....

Long day today. Got my butt up earlier than I would have wanted and being me, while standing in the garage having that morning smoke and coffee got the great idea to, Hold your breath- Wash TheBigBluePlasticMotorcycle!

Scary indeed. It's been almost 2 years since I last did a real scrub job on the poor thing. Thank goodness it only has 2 pieces of chrome on it.

It took 2-3 hours to just knock the big shit off it. What I did would not even qualify as a, Detail Job. I've been feeling guilty about the looks of the old girl lately and as I'm planning a short trip this week, I figured I should at least knock the big pieces off and improve the mileage some. I keep her maintained well, but cleaning? Not so much.

Regarding that trip. Heading to Pennsylvania for a gathering of the Wife's kin Saturday. Thinking of leaving Thursday and following the Ohio River to West byGod Virginia and angling up from there. Not sure yet, but that's my favorite part of going places. Just following your nose and circumstances.

Hell, I turned a 120 mile round trip into damn near 350 miles today and never left Indiana.

Scenic route. And thankfully, Indiana is scenic.

Plan on shooting over to my Brothers place in Ohio after the Pennsylvania thing and spending some time there and then making a big loop of Ohio home.

That's the plan anyway. We'll see. I'd like to stop in Kidron, Ohio again and check out Lehmans again. Last time I was out that way I was rushed for time and didn't do much more than stop and have a cup of coffee.

Oh, before I forget. As I was heading home tonight I ran across a guy riding a '51 Harley that looked like he just found it under a haystack. Jeez, it was totally original. Rusty as hell and ragged all over.


I was hauling ass to get home as my 3 hour ride had stretched to 7 hours already and I was hungry. This Dude was cruising along on that old thing at a steady 65-70 mph as smooth as you could ask for.
Sounded sweet as a peach. Made my day.

I am really not in, "Riding Shape". My ass was sore and my back is gonna hurt tomorrow. There really is something to conditioning yourself for riding and I ain't in it so far this year.

I really haven't been putting many miles on the Bike at all. Weather mostly, but a lot of it is just my lazy ass. I'm becoming a wimp about rain and such.

The cure for that is riding more and I guess I should just do it. Hell, when I ride sensibly, I get 45+ mpg. So there's really not much excuse is there?

OK, my ass is tired.

Gratuitous Picture for a Tuesday-
Since all this Motorcycle talk we need Cheesecake and a Genuine Bad Ass. So, here ya go.

Jim Redmon. One of the greats and one of my favorites.


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